Spin the Bottle

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Hermione's POV
"Hi Molly!" I say excited.

"I just want to warn you that Ronald did show up last night...." Molly says calmly but with a slight edge considering that he had been disowned 16 years ago.........
"Thanks Molly for the warning." I say with a forced smile.
"Well come in she says ushering Me, Draco, and the kids into the living room where Ginny, Harry, and James were talking. James is a year younger than Cassi and Scorp, but they're still good friends.
"Ginny!, Harry!" I say hugging them.
"James take, Scorp and Cassi to your room. Me you and the other kids can go outside to the tree house that's where Albus, Lily, Bella, and Teddy are." Ginny says kindly.
After the kids left a particular red head walked in. Draco immediately pulled me closer. Ronald then sat down in a chair.
"Hi 'Mione!" He says as if everything is normal.
"Sorry Hermione..." Ronald says quietly looking at the floor.
"Mum!!" I hear Cassi yell from up stairs.
"I'll be right back." I say getting up, I quickly walk up the stairs and into James' room to find Cassi looking mad, Scorpious looking shocked, and James smirking.
"Cassi what happened?" I ask in a serious tone.
"James kissed Scorp!!" She shrieks in disgust.
"What?!?" I shriek.
"Mum! Calm down it's fine Cassi'll make sure it doesn't happen again!" Scorp replies.
"Okay." I say skeptically then head back down stairs.
James's POV
"Hay guys let's play spin the bottle Truth or Dare!" I suggest.
"No!" Cassi says.
"Please?!?" I beg.
"Later maybe when there are more of us." Cassi replies.
"Aunt Luna is coming over later and is bringing her kids!" Says Scorp.
"Bill and Flur are coming too. Oh and didn't your family invite some people?" James replies.
"Ya Uncle Blaise and Aunt Pany are coming with there four kids. Jasper is just slightly younger than Scorp and I but he's still 15." Cassi states.
Cassi's POV
Teddy, Victorie, Jasper, James, Scorp, Juniper, and I were sitting in the tree house around a bottle.
"Okay who wants to go first?" James asks.
"Teddy?" James says.
"Nope." Teddy replies.
"Fine I'll go first." James says exasperated. James spins the bottle it lands on Scorp.
"Truth or Dare?" James asks.
"Truth." Scorp says.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?" James asks Scorp in reply.
"No.." Scorp says proudly,"But maybe I will someday soon." Scorp says confidently.
The game went on till Teddy spun the bottle and it landed on Victorie.
"Truth or Dare?" Teddy asks her.
"Dare!" Victorie says with a mischievous grin on her face.
"I Dare you to kiss me!" Teddy says smirking.
Victorie leans in and after about 4 minutes they break apart.
Crud it's my turn...I give the bottle a good spin. After what seemed like ages it stopped on the person I hoped it wouldn't. Jasper.
"T-Truth or D-Dare?" I stutter.
"Dare!" Jasper says staring into my eyes. Then it happened so fast I don't even remember saying it but he leaned in and kissed me, quickly getting over my shock I kiss him back for a good few minutes.
Everyone was clapping and cheering when we broke apart, Jasper smirking, and I was blushing.
The game went on for a while longer till James spun the bottle and...
"Scorpious, Truth or Dare?" James asked.
"Dare!" Scorp says thinking James wouldn't pull the same stunt he did earlier.
"I dare you to kiss me!" James says smirking.
"Well I'll pull a chicken and go see when dinners ready!" Scorp says rushing out. I start to get up when...
"I got this" Juniper says.
Scorpious's POV
I rushed out of there and only a moment later I hear foot steps following me, I turn around to see Juniper. I stop she is now right in front of me. I lean in. Our lips meet and we kiss for a good solid 5 minutes. We pull away and look into each others eyes only to see the love we both had for one another. Then she shrieks saying my eyes were black. I then promised I would explain then seeing the fear in her eyes I say,
"I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-" I dart but she shuts me up by giving me a quick kiss.
"I love you..." I say.
"I love you too..." She replies.
We then walk hand in hand into the burrow's kitchen to find Molly cooking away we ask if she needs help and she immediately gives us both jobs, we work till dinner is ready the gather the whole lot for the amazing dinner that we were about to eat.
Man that dinner was good...
I would have to tell Victorie about veelas another day...

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