The beginning

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"Ugh....stupid alarm clock..." I say sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes," what time is it anyways?" I ask looking at the clock as it reads 5:30 a.m.  I sigh and get up out of bed knowing I would have to at some point, because otherwise my parents would have had to come and get me.   You all might be wondering, who am I? Well...let's just say I'm not that much of a extravagant person.  My name is Marah, I'm 18 and should be living in my own house (I know) but it's actually kinda fun because I can do whatever I want even in my parents house.  I do a lot of cosplaying and really enjoy it with my friend Taylor.  I soon go downstairs to see if breakfast is ready (my parents always wake up at 4:00 a.m.) so as soon as I reach the bottom of my stairs I look around to hear if the tv is on, but I don't hear anything.  I slowly start slumping towards the kitchen to see if breakfast is put out, but there's nothing on the counter.  I start looking around the house 'this isn't my mom and dads house...where am I?' I think confusedly as I hear the doorbell ring.  I sigh and head to the door wondering what was going on, i finally reach the door and open it.
       "Hello, Sir...I was wondering if your name was Ma....Marah?"
"Yeah....why? Who are you?" I ask the man confused, how did he know my name and why was he here in he first place?
     "I'm Olive, I have some news about your parents and what happened to where you are now..."
I look at him with a confused look thinking that this might all be a joke, but in my opinion he looked serious so I invited him in.  As Olive slowly started to walk into the house I close the door behind us and follow to where he was walking to.  We soon both ended up on the couch sitting in silence for a little while as I check my messages on my phone to see if Taylor has texted me at all.
      "Now about your parents..."
  I finally hear Olive speak up and set my phone down on the coffee table looking over to him curious as to what he was going to say next.
"Your parents were killed last night...they had a feeling that something like this would a while ago they bought this house for you in the future, apparently they thought well..."
As I hear Olive explain all this I start to think ' they're....dead? But, how? They were so healthy...' I soon get up and look at Olive "Thank you for telling me all please leave..." I say a little strictly as I see Olive nod and he makes his way towards the door," How did you even know...about my family being dead...?" I ask turning towards him
     "Let's just say....we're related in many different ways..."
He soon exits the house as I sit back on the couch clutching my head trying not to cry.
I pick up my phone and answer the call," Hello?" I ask
   "Hey Marah! It's Taylor!"
I hear my friend from the other line say, a smile starts to soon appear on my face," Hey, how are you?"
"I'm good, just same old, same old, how about you?"
"I'm....I'm ok..."
"Wanna come over to my house later to hang out and see the baby?"
"Hell yeah! Haha"
"Ok, well how about around noon?"
"That'll work! Thanks!"
"Great I'll see you later, bye!"
We both say as we hang up at the same time, I lean back against the couch as I smile 'at least I have a friend like Taylor' I think slowly closing my eyes. Maybe I should tell her about my parents and where I'm staying, she sounded eager to tell me something as well, I can't wait till noon.
(A couple hours later)
I soon start to wake up again from another short nap, for some reason I never actually sleep, I either take naps or just don't sleep.  I look up at the clock to see it read 11:30 a.m. 'I'll just get dressed and brush my teeth and hair and head over there' I thought as I got up and started to stretch.  I headed upstairs to my room and arrive and my dresser to figure out what to wear, I soon pick out a baggy soul eater T-Shirt with some shorts that go a little above my knees.  I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair as I soon look over at my cosplay wigs, I smile as I grab a bag and start filling it with cosplay stuff.  I soon head downstairs to grab my phone and the charger and head out the door, since Taylor doesn't live that far away (and since I don't have a car) I start walking towards his house as I see his car parked out front.  I slowly start arriving to the door as it opens and Taylor stands in the doorway.
     "So glad you could make it!"
He says cheerfully as he slowly moves to the side to let me in, I start walking in as I realize that his parents aren't here.  "Where are your parents?" I asked curious.
     "My parents moved out, they didn't want to stay with me anymore..."
"Oh, makes sense" I say as I start chuckling
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
Taylor asks as he lightly starts to punch me, I start laughing at his pretend punches and the fact I know I'm stronger than him as he slowly starts to stop and I do to.
   "I see you brought your cosplay stuff..."
I hear him say as I look at the bag of cosplay stuff I have as I look back up to Taylor and nod smiling.
       "Yes! Now we can make musical.lys and do an instagram livestream haha..."
I hear him joke around as I start to give him a noggie "but your too tiny to fit into the camera!" I say jokingly as I hear his beautiful laugh.  I stop as he slowly starts to calm down and we look at each other, it's so awkward I don't even think it could get any more awkward.  "Um....hey, Taylor...I have something to tell you..."
     "W-what is it?"
I hear Taylor stutter at the most cutest rate, I think for a second and jokingly say," I'm pregnant!"
I start chuckling as I try to calm Taylor down," I'm kidding! I'm kidding!....What I really wanted to say parents are....dead..." I say looking away from him.  I hear his soft breath let out a sad sigh as I feel something warm wrap around me, I soon look up and see Taylors chest and realize he's hugging me.  I blush a little bit but hug back unable to let go because of how soft he feels 'WHOA! What the hell am I thinking?! I need to stop! Right now!'.  I look up at Taylor as we both pull away from the hug, I swear you could mistake us for boyfriend and boyfriend!  "You seemed eager to tell me something too, Taylor, What is it?" I ask curious
    "Oh, well.....uh...I just was eager to tell you about my parents but I've already told you so, haha!"
He lets out a strange laugh as I look at him confused for a minute but then shrug it off," wanna go make a few cosplay musical.lys?"
   "Sure! What characters should we do?"
"Maybe Kaneki and Hide? Tokyo Ghoul?" I ask as I see Taylor a little uncomfortable with that idea.
    "But I get to be Kaneki!"
Taylor says excited as I chuckle and nod," Fine, I'll be hide..." I say as I start pulling out the stuff for our cosplays
    "Should we show people how we get into cosplay on a livestream?"
"On instagram?"
    "No silly! On!"
"Sure, I don't care!"
We start getting everything set up for the livestream and our cosplays, I knew today was going to be a fun day.
(After the musical.lys)
"That was fun!" I say as I look at Taylor and he looks at me smiling and nods.  We start to head to the bathroom to take our cosplay makeup off and wigs.  My makeup had some blood coming down my mouth later in a few musical.lys because of the whole Hide and Kaneki situation  at the end of season 2.
    "You hungry?"
I hear Taylor ask from the bathroom," Yeah, only a little but I think I should head home it's 8:30 p.m." I say looking at the clock in his room.
    "Oh, well I'll text you tomorrow ok?"
"Ok! See ya!" I say grabbing all my cosplay stuff and putting it into the bag and open the door and leave.   I start walking to my house as I start getting chills down my spine because of the night sky being so dark.  I finally arrive home and open the door and run in and close it, I really hate being outside in the night because of our neighbors being "creepy".  I soon head to my room and out my cosplay stuff back where I have them situated.  I wonder what tomorrow is going to be like, Taylor seemed to be acting weird, did something happen to him that I'm not aware of?  Whatever it is, I will find out eventually, I don't care if I get scared I will always love Taylor, OH YEAH I DIDN'T GET TO SEE THE BABY! AWE MAN!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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