Chapter 1; the train - the auditon

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When the power goes out on a train and these two strangers start speaking, what happens next when there's a swarm of people and they get separated, will they find each other again and pick up where they left off or will they be unknown to each other for the rest of their lives?



Heidi's POV;

Heidi had a long journey from Manchester to London. The train only had three carriages so it was a very small train for a long journey like this, so I knew it was bound to get cramped sooner or later which isn't going to be good for my social anxiety, I'm surprised that I'm leaving my house, but today I felt good and I needed to experience new things and beat this anxiety of mine. -- I had been on the train for half an hour and I decided to ring my mother to calm my nerves as I felt my palms starting to get sweaty, whilst on the phone to my mother I felt a presence next to me, it was weirdly close but someone must have sat on the free seat next to mine. I started to shuffle closer towards the window as I felt slightly uncomfortable, I couldn't get any closer to the window, I'm socially awkward and I didn't know this person and I can't move away, all of a sudden the signal on my phone cut off and I could no longer hear my mother's voice, then the lights of the train went out, the screams of the people from the train started rattling in my ears and I started to panic. I then heard this thick, American accent in my ear, it was definitely male, but it seemed to be soothing me, he calmed me down and he ushered me to the other end of the train away from everyone else, Whilst I started to calm down and was walking to the opposite side of the train, his voice started to become more and more faint until it was no longer heard, I started looking everywhere for this mystery guy, but he was nowhere to be heard or seen, I started crying with fear as I didn't know what to do the only person to help me in these situations are my mother or father and I have no signal. It was weird how much I trusted this stranger as I never trust anyone I don't know and I felt a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach, I needed to find him to at least tell him thank you.

Ansel's POV;

I had to go to London to meet up with my management for a movie role and I was currently in Manchester with my family. So as I love early mornings I decided to catch the earliest train so I don't get caught in traffic and the many people running around the busy train station platforms. My train finally arrived after the twenty minute wait and I searched around looking for a free seat as it already looked full. I seen the closest one and took a seat, I looked at the person next to me, it was a woman around the age of twenty one, she looked beautiful and very unique although, I didn't get a clear view of her face as she had turned to the window, I didn't attempt to make conversation with her yet as she was on the phone and that would have been rude of me, her accent was like music to my ears, it was heavenly, I had been on the train for roughly half an hour and I heard screams from every corner of the train and I started to get worried, I looked to the girl next to me and seen her panicking, the power went out  and she began to get worse, I could hear her heavily breathing and I tried my best to calm her down and I decided to escort her to the other side of the train, there was many people running around the train and pushing one another so I could barely keep hold of her, the next minute I couldn't feel her touch anymore or hear her angelic voice no longer, I was upset, I felt like I needed to protect her and I failed at doing so, I'm going to search for her once more, I couldn't let anything happen to her, she was precious. I hope I can find her some day, I need to make it up to her.



Heidi had finally arrived in London and couldn't stop thinking about the mystery boy, Ansel. She had a nervous gut feeling, she had never knew Ansel personally or knew what he looked like, but she felt a strong connection with him, she could hear his voice continuously in her head and it was driving her crazy, soothing her in a way just like it was on the train, she was insanely grateful for his kindness towards her as she knows how hard it is to look after her when she has her panic attacks. Heidi has a huge audition to get to which could possibly change her life in many ways. The audition was for an insane movie role, she had loved acting, singing and dancing ever since she was little so to have an opportunity this big to happen to her was very nerve wracking and exciting! this is also what lead her to London today. Today was one of the biggest days of her life and so far it has been emotional and traumatic, will her day get any worse or will it eventually become better?

Heidi finally arrived at the building her audition was being held at, the nerves were starting to get to her, not only the stress of making this audition perfect but the mystery boy was still on her mind, she hated having to call him the 'mystery boy' she wanted to know his name. The mananger then called her name which pulled her out of her trance, this moment could change her life forever.

"Hello, Heidi am I correct?" the man said.

"Yes that's me, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Miss Heidi, my name is Mr Shaw, but you can call me Steve. You are here to audition for the role of Lydia in the new action movie 'Master of Prejudice'?"

"Yes I am and i'm so thankful for this opportunity, I'm really nervous but i'm ready to start"

"Great attitude to start off with, let's go"

After the audition for the role, Heidi made her way straight to the bathrooms and started crying, she felt as her audition was a failure and she didnt think she'd get the part, this meant the world to her and she didn't know how to feel but ashamed, she had him in her mind the whole time and she felt as if that what made her loose focus. She needed to find him or she was going to lose her mind.



Ansel had arrived in London and couldn't stop thinking about the girl, he was meeting up with his manager about this new film he was starring in and he needed to get all of the details and where it was being shot, but he felt like waiting for her for ages at the train station rather than leaving, he needed to see her, he needed to hear her voice again, he needed to introduce himself properly, he needed to know If she was okay. Ansel was broken and very confused, at first he thought this was a dream and went up to ask one of the security guards all about it.

"Hey, excuse me erm the train that I was just on had a power cut, but I don't exactly know what happened could you possibly tell me and do you know If everyone got off okay?" Ansel asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, there was a mini power cut, but everything is okay, everyone that was on the train got off safely and there was no harm to anyone, but we have stopped the train line until the weekend so we can stop anything that prevented this from happening kid"

"Okay, thank you, sir." Ansel said ecstatically.

Ansel made his way up the stairs to the other side of the train station smiling to himself, he rang an uber to come pick him up to take him straight to his managements building, he was super excited for this movie but having this mysterious girl constantly on his mind how will he act? He made his way up to the building with positive energy as usual because he didn't his manager noticing that something was wrong because he would say something for sure.

"ahh my favourite actor, Ansel.. How are you feeling today, I heard about the train incident that explains why you are so late. Glad you're okay kid, have a seat"

"Yeah it was a nightmare, but I'm feeling good, so could you tell me the details about this film?"

"Good kid, I think I have found the perfect person to play the role of Lydia, her name is Heidi, you should meet her in a couple of weeks when you start filming, she doesn't know she has the part yet."

Little does Ansel know that he will be meeting the girl on the train in a few weeks time, will they have forgotten about each other by then or will they run into each others arms and fall in love by the sound of their own voices?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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