Hope is dead....

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"Shun! Yuto! Kaito! Ruri!" You called out at the top of your lungs, voice muffled by the crushing of buildings and screams of people. You tried your best to protect these people, to push this unknown enemy away, but it was useless. You were alone...your friends who-knows where..and who knows are they even alive. "Shun! Ruri! Yuto! Kaito!" You cried out again. But nothing... buildings kept collapsing, people were getting carded...it was a horror to witness. Your (E/C) orbs that used to be shiney, full of happiness and life, become dull and lifeless as you dropped to your knees. Several soldier surrounded you, this was it...your the end. "That's her, (L/N) (Y/N). Get her." One of them commanded. You were slightly surprised they didn't card you, but at this point, you didn't care. "Where are you taking me?" You asked blankly, the one holding your arms and forcing you to walk, smirked. "To Fusion Dimension. The Professor ordered us to bring the strongest duelists in Heartland in order to empower our own army." He simply explained as your dull eyes went wide, however, you didn't get time to say anything else as you already got teleported to this Fusion Dimension, they were speaking of.

Immediately after the arrival, they threw you in a cell, and without another word, walked away. You healed now your bleeding arm, letting out small painful groan. You must've gotten hurt when they threw you here. You waited for about half an hour or so, before a figure walked to your cell, but didn't open it. "Wait...Y-Yuto?..." You asked surprised, fully seeing his face, tho his clothes were very different, but you would recognize that face anywhere. The male you assumed was Yuto Christmas chuckled darkly, something Yuto would never do. His previously calm expression, swiftly changed into more wicked one. "Yuto? I suppose that's your boyfriend, too bad, your prince in shining armor won't come to save you~" the figure reached out his hand and violently grabbed your hair, pulling it through the cell bars. You winced, narrowing your eyes in a glare at the male."My name is Yuri, I am here to make sure you and other duelists we captured obey the professor. Let me explain the things to you, sweetheart. There are four Dimensions; Standard, Synchro, XYZ and Fusion. As you probably already know, this is Fusion Dimension, you came from the XYZ, which is now destroyed thanks to us. You are here because we heard that you are one of the best duelists there, so we thought, why not empower our own army by bringing duelists from the XYZ Dimension!~" He explaied in an awfully cheerful/creepy voice. You glared daggers at him. "Our task is to mentally break you until you join us, simple!" You tried to struggle free from his grasp, but it didn't succed. "N-Never....I will never break!! No matter what happens to me, I won't turn my back on my friends!! Do whatever you won't to me, but I will never break. I would rather rot in Hell than  join you!" You spat out aggressively. Yuri looked at you with an amused smirk, letting go of your hair. "We'll see about that...~" He chuckled, walking away, leaving you alone in your cell. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks. You collapsed onto the ground looking up at the ceiling with your dull and teary (E/C) orbs. "Please...help me...." You muttered quietly.


A year has passed and you still remained tough, it was hard, very hard. But, you didn't want to give up, you just couldn't. They were all amused by how mentally strong you are, after all, they had tried lots of things to get you to break. Punching you, slamming you against the wall, door, or anything hard. Putting you on all kinds of machines, hell, they even sexually abused you, but you still wouldn't break, until one day...

Like every other day, they brought you out of your cell to do something terrible to you again, you assumed. They took you to a room and made you sit down on a chair. The room looked pretty much empty, there was only a chair you were currently sitting on and a large TV screen before you. "Why did you brought me here?" You asked, sounding surprisingly calm. On your left was that boy who looked like Yuto. To you, the worse thing about all this is that the guy who keeps repeatedly tormenting you, looks like your friend, your crush. When you would looked at him in the face, you would see Yuto. And it hurt, a lot. "Just keep your eyes on the screen, we don't want you to miss out any important details~" Yuri smirked, looking at the screen and not at you. You wondered what will they show you...your attention returned back to the screen. A footage of a person on one of the torturing machines appeared, it was a girl. She felt somehow familiar to you, strong feeling of realization hit you when you saw her face. "Ruri!!!!" You tried to get up, but Yuri kept you restraint. "No!!! Let her go!!" You cried out watching as they were about to turn the machine on the screen on. The footage you saw was actually fake, but you didn't know that, of course. The fusion dimension needed Ruri and the rest of the counterparts to fulfill their plan, that is why they weren't allowed to hurt her. "Since you refused to cooperate with us, we've decided to make you by doing the exact same things we did to you through this year to this poor girl on the screen as well.~" Your eyes widen at his response, you tried moving again, but his grasp was too strong. "No....Ruri...." You muttered feeling more terrified than you ever was in your life. "Of course, we can spare her, that is if you decide to join us~" You stopped struggling and quietly looked down at the ground. "Fine...just...don't harm her...." You muttered loud enough for Yuri to hear you.

H O P E L E S S [Yuuto X Female! Reader] [One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now