Chapter 4

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"Do you think it's fine that we keep doing this?" Asked Neptune as he was at a club with Weiss in Vale. Weiss was dancing with him and smiled "It's fine as long as Y/N doesn't find out." Neptune sighed silently and told Weiss that he would be right back, he went out the back and pulled out his scroll and texted none other than Blake Belladonna

"Hey Blake, how are you doing?" Neptune texted Blake. "Hi Neptune. I'm doing good and you?" They texted back and forth for a while and Neptune had told Blake everything that had happened so far. Blake was furious at Wiess, Y/N had given her a chance after several weeks and now three weeks after they got back together she was with Neptune? She was angry at Neptune first but when he felt bad about this and began to apologize, she could tell Neptune meant it. "I'll talk with Y/N about this. Thank you for telling the truth Neptune" "Anything to help out my friend Y/N. See ya next time Blake. I'm gonna tell Wiess we should start going back to Beacon." After that they stopped texting, Blake going over to Y/N's dorm room and Neptune going to Weiss's dorm to drop her off.

When they arrived the rest of team RWBY wasn't there so Weiss tried to get Neptune in bed with her but he refused and said he had to go because tomorrow he was gonna meet with some friends. Weiss sighed and went into her dorm room and closed the door as she went to sleep. Neptune went to go meet up with Blake and Y/N.


Blake texted me to meet her and Neptune on the rooftop and I wondered why so I went. When I arrived I saw her and Neptune. "So what did you guys have to tell me?" I ask them and they both look at one another then Neptune says to me. "A few weeks after you and Weiss got back together she went to me and asked if I wanted to go out with her to a dance club and I thought it was as just friends. But she ended up kissing me and being close to me..." Neptune explained everything to me and told me that he felt sorry for not telling me sooner. I was angry at first but forgave him and sighed as I tried to wrap my head around this and just began to walk. I didn't know where I was going and when I realized it I was in front of Weiss' dorm room and sighed. I just left to my dorm room and began to listen to music. Blake knocked on my door and I opened it for her. She had a sad expression and I was worried about this because Blake never was sad. "Blake what's-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence by Blake "Y/'s hard for me to watch you go through this...even harder for me to keep from saying this when you've been cheated on by the same girl twice...but..." I could tell where this was going and placed my index finger against her lips and said softly to her "Hey, it's alright. And lets give it a shot, come on in Blake." She came into my dorm room and we just laid down on my bed and cuddled with one another. She was happy to be with me, her purring was cute and I felt happy for once, since Weiss and I got back 'together'. "I love you Y/N" Blake said softly to me, I kissed her nose and said to her happily and lovingly "I love you too Blake"

A/N: Alright sorry for the long wait for this chapter but here it is. Hope you liked it. More to come, just be patient for the next one. And sorry if this one was a little short. Kinda had to rush this one. Anyways as always wolves. See you all in the next one

Cheater Weiss Schnee X Male!Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now