The Eyes of the Dark (Riddick FanFic)

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Emily's Pov

I ran. That was what I had to do. I never looked back and kept going till I collapsed on the ground. It was dark and cold out in the forests of Maru the planets with the largest forests in the galaxy. I heard water, I crawled over to a small opening and saw a small river. I looked at the water and saw my face, beaten and bruised till it almost was swollen around my eyes. Ya, my parents did that because I stole a fucking apple from the market. They have always hated me no matter what I do to try and please them. I cried, longer than ever, my life was different now. I knew that the only way to survive... to steal, cheat, and lie to others. I will never trust or love anything or anyone ever again... never.


I woke up with a jolt. Breathing hard at the past memory that had entered my dream. I was 12 when that happened, a fugitive from the law now. Well I am in a new mess now, chained and strapped to a wall of a bounty hunter ship.

"Look guys, Mud is awake," one of men on the ship stated. Damn them, I hate that nickname. there were only men on this ship and they were complete dumb-asses. They only called me that because of my extremely dark brown eyes and medium brown hair. All I did was stare at the ground.

"She isn't looking at us again, I think she needs another beating," another chanted. NO, not another no more beatings! I jolted towards the man standing before me and knocked his head against mine.

"Ah, god damn it, bitch!" he screamed as he held his head in pain. I chuckled and so did the other men.

"She will kick your ass if she ever gets lose and no more beating she had one like 1 hour ago I think she still feels the pain." another stated. i did a little, but I have an unusual healing rate, and that's not always good.

" Hey guys get you asses in here right now I think we have a big bounty to catch," the driver yelled. they all went to the cockpit as I listened to their conversation because of my heightened senses.

" No fucking way his is him! I thought he was dead!" my head butt victim yelled.

"Hell ya, we have to go after him, he is way more than Mud." another yelled.

"If we are we better bring some back up, there is only 3 of us." the driver said again

"Agreed, how many, 4 or 5 more?" head-butt said.

"No, probably 7 others, this man will kill anything he finds and if I'm estimating right at least 5 won't come back if we actually catch him." driver said again. Who the hell is this man. He must be a serial killer to be more than me and also to be presumed dead, that is crazy. I thought a little but never heard of anyone that these dumb-asses were describing.

"Well we have an extra cage for him and we could restrain him," one said.

"Lets go get him!" driver said. I tuned out the rest until one of the men came in.

"Well Mud, you are gonna have a new playmate so we will be extra harsh on you till we get to planet Nebura." head-butt said. With that I got a nice punch in the stomach before letting darkness come over me.

" Just wait Mud, we will let Riddick finish you off, they only need you half alive so we can collect the bounty." he laughed. So this so called man named Riddick is coming. Serial killer, fugitive, hunter... I think me and him will get along just fine.

Hey everyone I hope you like the first chapter. I update every day so you don't have to wait for me. what do ya think will happen next hmm. Read on t find out and I I get a lot of comments, fans and vote you might get 4 chapters in one day. well see ya laters.

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