Ch. 1

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A small skeleton glanced around quickly, his left eye socket glowing softly in the dark forest. He glanced down as he felt something hug him. The person was a slightly smaller skeleton, shaking in fear and cold. The taller of the two hugged the smaller, not letting them go. The shorter one asked," are we safe now, Infi...?" There was silence as the other replied in a whisper," i think we are, puni.... but let's get going. Don't want to freeze ta death." The taller gently grabbed the smallers hand and started to walk north.

Meanwhile, in a cold , dark place:
There was a banging sound from which a tall, angry scientist hitting a table in well....anger. He glared at one of the shaking guards as he said slowly," what do you mean you couldn't find them?! They can't be THAT far away!" The guard gulped, saying in a shaky voice," Experiment 9999 and 9998 have j-just......dissapeared! Like they teleported to a different AU!" The scientist then sighed, clearly annoyed at the brats for escaping. He said in a low voice," find them.... i don't care how long it takes but they need to be found!" His glare sent all of the guards out of the room to do what they had to. He states in a smug tone," where ever you kids are....i WILL find you..."

Finally done with this chapter! I really hope all of you lovely readers like it and good bye!

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