Y/n Pov
"You know you don't have to go" Zayn said fiddling with his fingers. He's hazel eyes sparkled in the dimmed room light, his pink lips plumped as he smiled. "I-I have to Z" I said nervously. I know exactly why I was nervous with him, but I just never wanted to show it to him. He smiled deviously approaching my frail body. "And why is that baby?" He asked cocking an eyebrow, I bit my lips eyeing him up and down. His large hands moved up against my waist, my body slowly compacting into his. "Hmm?" He said pulling our chests closer to eachother. "They're waiting for me" I tried pulling away, but Zayn said otherwise. He quickly pulled me into his arms, our lips molded in sync as we fell onto the bed. He crawled slowly on top of me as we caught our breathes. I can't do this, as much as I want too, I can't. "Zayn, I can't" I slowly pushed his body off of me. "You love him don't you" he said as a tear dropped down his cheek. His face dropped as my result of him making love to me failed. "No, babe, Zayn I love you..I just feel guilty" I said honestly. He took me into his arms and cupped my face. "Then why won't you stay with me?, I'll do anything for you, why won't you do it for me?" He asked as I felt pity in my heart. It's like my life turned upside down. I want him in my life. I need him in my life and I'm about to let go of it. "My parents Z-", "That never stopped you before..why now?" He said leaving me breatheless. "I'm sorry Zayn, I need to go" I quickly got up from his arms and grabbed my things rushing out his bedroom door. "No- y/n, wait!" He yelled catching up to me. I quickly made it into my car closing the door. "Y/n, no!" He yelled once more as tears dropped down my face. I ran out of my car kissing him one last time before seeing him again. "I love you Zayns sn always will" I said as he kissed me again. "I'll wait for you y/n, I'll always wait" he said letting me go. I slowly drive away from his house knowing he won't be the man in my life. Zayn just stands there with hope in his eyes, watching me leave his company.


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I own the instagram account @directionersimaginess
And this is my first story on wattpad and I hope you enjoy. 💓

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