Chapter 15

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Your POV:
It's been a couple weeks since Ethan's death and the rape from Marcus. But other than these past couple of weeks being depressing as they should be for the events that happened, they've felt weird. My body feels weird and my everyday habits I do have changed as well. Constantly throwing up and having extreme cravings almost everyday.. Grayson has noticed them too.

We decided couple days ago to go to a doctor and get some blood work done to figure out what the cause for all this was. Today was the day we find out for good what this whole chaos about myself is.

I grabbed the car keys for Gray as I walked downstairs meeting him at the doorstep.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded and kept quiet trying to pick out my thoughts that made sense to all this, unfortunately that was impossible for my thoughts are roaming my brain too fast and too complicated.

I sighed and walked out to the car with Gray.

I tapped my foot impatiently while Grayson kept pacing back and forth slowly, getting lost in his thoughts as well. Finally, the door opened and in came Dr. Russo with the paper results in his hand.

He smiled widely as he shut the door and looked up at our eager faces, dying to know what the news was and if it was good or bad. He proceeded to sit down and look over the paper one last time.

"Congratulations Miss Y/L/N. You are expecting a baby in about 9 months from now!"

Good thing I was sitting down because it was the right kind of position for me. My heart stopped and I felt my breath hitch once he finished saying his words, I glanced at a now slightly paled Grayson staring at Dr. Russo in disbelief.

"D-Dr. are you positive that's what's been all the chaos for me lately?"

"Yes, miss Y/L/N. You are 3 weeks into your pregnancy. Congratulations to you as well sir."

He looked over to Grayson as he shook his head and took a seat next to me looking at the ground and running his hands through his hair.

"Yes you guys may only be 18 which is still pretty young to have a child but I'm sure seeing how great of people you are that child will be raised well and with care. You should be happy! I promise you both that once your baby is in your arms, your life will change for good."

Little does he know, this child I am going to have is not from the guy he sees in front of him, but it is from Marcus.

"I guess it's still trying to hit you guys so I will leave you alone. After this you are free to leave but have to make another appointment to check up on your pregnancy. Good day now!"

With that, he walked out and left us both in dead silence. I slowly turned my head to look at Gray and immediately started pouring out tears from my eyes and shaking my head.

"Grayson. This child... oh my god. What am I going to do! I don't want him or her anywhere near that disgusting old man!"

"Sh sh it's going to be okay Y/N. I am still going to be by your side here I know it's been hell these past couple of weeks and seeing how um the police... hasn't found the killer for Ethan has been pressuring you too. But! We have to stay strong and keep fighting for this child that I will consider as mine if you don't mind."

I shook my head as he cleaned away my tears gently and gave me a warm smile. He was right, despite me not having any sort of intimate feelings towards him he's the only one I have at this point to help me raise this baby as if it was his own.

"Thank you for still helping my ass all this time, considering how much of a bitch I was to you from the beginning I guess you can say"

"It's okay. It's been months and months from our bumpy past, once this baby is born it's going to be a fresh new start for the 3 of us."

He leaned down to my stomach and gave it a small kiss as if the baby or my stomach was big enough for that. He cares, he's always cared.

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