The Born

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Mettaton and Papyrus were talking about how their children would be, if they had any. Then POOF, a small, raven haired skeleton popped out of nowhere, already wrapped up in a blanket. Papyrus caught the Smol, and held him in his hands. Then, POOF! A small orange, pink, and raven haired skeleton popped out of nowhere. Papyrus also caught her.

Who was the Smol Raven, Orange, and Pink haired Skeleton?
  Well, dear reader, that is you! You are the technical twin of Impact, the male Skeleghost. You've been the first female skeleton in a few years, but a Skeleghost at that!

Mettaton freaked out, called Alphys, and Alphys came to calm him down. Sans was talking to Papyrus, and called the two of you cute.

  After the whole incident of two Smol children popping out of nowhere, Papyrus and Mettaton took the two of you home. Mettaton, gushing on how he was gonna dress you up in his "Oh! One true Love!" Blue ball gown when you were older. Frisk first saw it when they fell into the underground.

  Papyrus, talking about how he was going to train the two of you, to be just as great as him.

  The two arrived at Mettatons old house, in WaterFall, where he spent his ghost days with his cousin Napstablook. Mettaton called over Blookie to come see you two, and he floated next door to MTT's house.

  Mettaton set you and Impact onto a big blanket inside a decent sized playpen in the living room. Impact had fallen asleep, meanwhile you were just woken up. You opened your eyes, to reveal one F/C eye, and the other a caramel brown eye, much like how Impact has a Pink eye and Caramel brown colored eye.

  Mettaton went to check on the two of you, and when you looked at him, he saw your two eyes, and bright smile, he ran to you and picked you up, squealing with joy.

  He called Papyrus over to look at you, and you giggles while trying to reach for Papyrus now waving hand. Papyrus took off his gloved hands and he let you grab onto his fingers.

  You looked at them with so much wonder, why one fingertip was so much bigger than the palm of your hand. You hugged his finger, giggling, thinking it was like a friend. Mettaton smiled, as did Papyrus.

  As so on, the story of how Impact and Y/N were brought to the world.

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