Tasha The Fox and Sasha The Fox

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Name: Tasha
Age: 23
Species: Fox
Sexuality: bisexual female
Power: none
Skills: building technology
Hobby: Games
Bff: Sasha The Fox and Roxanne The Fox
Food: Chicken Pot Pies
Pet: none
She is bisexual fox and she likes guys and girl but also loves games and she beats here friends ever single time but also she is straight up boss Ass Bitch at them games

2. Name: Sasha
Age: 21
Species: Fox
Sexuality: gay female
Power: FLYING and fire
Pet: cat
Bff: Tasha the Fox and Taniyah The Wolf
Hobby: reading
Skill: fast reader
Food: Japanese food
She is gay reader who loves books but also have something else in side of her but she doesn't know what it is but also loves her special Bff Tasha the Fox.

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