(Lauren's POV)
   Dark clouds settled around the fire called the sun, as small drifts of cold winter air brushed against the adolescent girls arm that felt like small clusters of chilly pine needles attacking her all at once.
   It was a wintery year of 2007. She brought her small hand to the spot, and hoped the heat from her palm will sooth the area. Tears began to fall from her eyes, hitting the grass beneath her in a steady like pattern.    This sight I hate to say, is not uncommen. Niether is the familiar sound of the car door being slammed, and her mother yelling at her dad from the opposite side of the window. A scene that always brought the girl into more tears.
   For the past six years, i've watched her grow from the time she was at least a year old. Year by year, I witness the tear infested girl cowered under her covers, in a room I use to call my own. Now shes hiding from behind the trunk of a beech tree. I decided now was the time to finally introduce myself.

   "Hello." I greeted the girl, accidently making her jump.
She stared at me with cautious eyes, frozen, with her hands rising to her mouth.

   "My mommy told me not to talk to stangers.." she murmured in a small baby like voice.
"I live next door." I lied, she can't know, at least not now. Shes too young to understand.
Her face lit up like a candle, and smiled brightly as she laid her hand in front of her, "Oh, I'm Dinah Jane Hanson."
I politely shook her hand, "I'm Lauren."
The little girl quickly retracted her hand to her body, "Jee witz your hand is cold."
I apologized, and she nodded.
"Would you like to come inside?" She asked, her eyes filled with wonder.
Even though I have lived in the two story house for the past fourteen years, it feels like i'm being welcomed into a house I have not been able to call home in a while.
"Yes please." I responded, and followed the grinning girl.
Her smile quickly faded, as she entered the kitchen to find her mom with her face in her hands, sobbing.
"Mom," Dinah started, "this is my new friend Lauren."
Her mom turned around to face the girl, and forrowed her eyebrows.
"What are you talking about." Her mother questioned, wipping her eyes with the back of her hand, staring at her daughter with worry.
"My friend. She lives next door." Dinah smiled confidently.
Her mom took a sigh of relief, "Oh."
"We're gona go upstairs, she's really cold and needs a blanket."
With one turn on her heel, the girl headed upstairs, leaving her mother bewildered.
"Here you go." Dinah handed me a blanket that had a princess in snow, with a snowman.
I thanked the younger girl, and wrapped myself in the blanket, even though it would'nt make a difference.
"Have you seen Frozen?" She asked.
I shook my head, as she let out a gasp.
   Dinah was in a fit of laughs, as the talking snowman sang about playing in summer. I sat there in confusion, worried for the cheerful snowman. Does he know??! This is a childrens movie?!
"Will anybody tell him?" I asked Dinah.
"Don't you dare." She said in unison with the movie.
I was shushed, as her eyes never left the tv.
I slumped back in defeat.
As the movie ended, the small girl fell asleep on the ground.
   I carefully picked her up, and into her bed. I lastly covered her in blankets.
   Most days went like this. Watching tv, or playing games. As long as Dinah was happy, I was satisfied.
   The morning sun beamed her beautiful rays into the dim room.
Dinah groaned as she awakened from her slumber.
"Lauren?" She called out.
I made small knocks about on her bedroom door.
"Come in!"
I came in, and greeted the girl,"Heya!"
   The front oak door was of the house was opened, and booming voice of her parents quickly followed, echoing throughout the house.
   I looked over at Dinah to find small girls eyes filled with tears, that threatened to leave.
"Hey, do you want to play a fun game." I asked her, standing on my feet.
The girl gave a small nod, and grinned.
"Lets playyy," I started, tapping her index finger on her chin, "hide and seek?"
"I'm gona win!" Dinah yelled, fist pumping.
"Okay you first."
"1..2..3..4" Dinah counted, blocking her eyes with her hands.
I quickly brushed down the stairs, into the hallway closet.
"10! Ready or not here I come!" Dinah screeched, as I slowly opened the door, peeping.
   Her mother began to walk up the stairs, and entered Dinah's room.
Muffled voices could be heard.
"Who were you talking to?" She asked.
"Lauren.. we're playing hide and seek."
"Baby, sit down." Her mother cooed, shutting the door behind her.
   I sat inside the hallway closet for what seemed like hours. Finally her mother exited the room. I opened the door all the way, and walked up the steps.
   I was found with the sight of Dinah's knees up to her face, and her arms wrapped around them.
"Hi." I said, smiling.
"My mommy says you're not real, but she's lying to me." She stared.
I took a seat on the ground.
"Why can't she see you?" Dinah asked, frowning.
I shrugged my shoulders, and stared at the ground. I knew I should have left things alone.
"Do you still wana play hide and seek?" I asked her.
"Mhm!" She smiled.
"I'ma count to ten... one...two.." I started as small foot steps ran down the stairs. I removed my hands from my face, as I exited her bedroom. I exhaled a non existent breath, as I backed into a corner of the wall, embracing the darkness.
   I know it's sad, but I can't let Dinah grow up with this mind set. I'd ruin her life, and people would call her crazy. As the years pass on, so would her memory of me. It's only for the best.


Lauren Where stories live. Discover now