Lauren's POV
Years have went on. Dinah's parents eventually divorced, and her mother gained custody. So here in this dark gloomy house me and Mr. Hanson shared, he got lonley. Dinah of course would get to visit him sometimes. That'd make his entire day, even week. It is summer, and the sun is unforgiving. I was staring at out the window upstairs, as her father pulled into the driveway. As he exited the car, so did a tall brunette. Looked a bit like Mrs. Hanson. The two walked toward the entrance, as Mr. Hanson held the door. The front door opened and closed, with an exchange of giggles.
"Thanks for letting me stay over, Dad." The voice said.
Dad? Can it be... no. Maybe.
A set of footsteps started up the stairs.
I released all of my energy, and slumped on a small chair. The door handle jiggled, and out swung the door. "Home sweet home." She exhaled.
Her pair of chocolate brown eyes looked familiar. Her hair was dyed to a blond ombre. It looked quite nice if you're asking me.
"Dad, what's for dinner?!" She yelled, turning on her heel, as she set her bags on her bed.
She's beautiful.
I fell back, arms extended as the second floor devored my body. I continued to sink into the water like atmosphere. A smile formed upon my face.
I can stay like this forever.
Passing the ceiling fan, my hair spread out as I got fell, and reached the father and daughter enjoying a slice of leftover pizza.
"Can I go to a get together with a couple of friends?" She asked.
"Yeah, of course." Mr. Hanson replied.
Dinah nodded, and practically ran upstairs.
"What do I weaaarr?" She questioned.
Time for me to leave.
I sat on the couch and waited.
An hour later, a girl wearing a cocktail dress, and heels exited her room.
"Bye Dad." She called out.
"Be safe honey." He replied, not removing his eyes from the local newspaper.
Then she was gone.
I went upstairs, and decided to nap.
Its been nearly five hours since Dinah has been gone. Her father already fell asleep. A car pulling into the driveway caught your attention.
A girl wearing a pug shirt had a arm around Dinah, supporting her. Dinah wobbled, and laughed. Small knocks came about the front door. Fearing her father seeing her in this state, I carefully unlocked, and slightly opened the door. The girl stood there with wide eyes, as she came in. She looked around, but shook it off as Dinah began to snore. The girl laid Dinah on the couch, and headed into the kitchen for a glass of water and placed it on the coffee table near intoxicated Dinah.
"Bye D." She said, and she exited the house.
Dinah was stirring in the couch, and
I decided to sit next to her.
"Lauren is that you?" Dinah murmured.
I stayed frozen in shock.
"Tuck me in like you used to." She grumbled.
I didn't dare move. She's just really drunk, and won't remember any of this in the morning.
"Please?.." she whispered.
I reached my hand out, and gently laid a pillow on her.
"Mmm thank you."
Right then, and there she knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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