Amir & Sadon

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Chapter One

The first time i met Sadon his life was in my hands, i remember

the day clearly the day i fell in love with a peasent.

I descarded the horse and stood infront of the sed theif, he was

locked in the head rest his head held down in shame. I placed the tip of my

shining, sharp, silver sword beneth his chin and lifted his head "what be

your name?" I questioned "Sadon" he answered we locked eyes and thats

the moment when i fell in love with Sadon. "Son you shall decide this theif's

faith" my father said or the king of this villeage. His crystal eyes locked with

my hazel ones and thats the only time when I actually felt good about

another human being. I placed the sword back into its carrier that was

against my hip "he shall live, but i dont wanna see his face in this villeage" i

said trying to look tuff infront of my father, but secrelty i really wanted to see

him again. They unlocked him from the head rest i mounted my horse and

rode off back to the castle.

From then and on I had been sneaking off to see Sadon he had

left the villeage and was living a couple miles away in a little shack he had

built his self. I would take him some food from the villeage bakery I knocked

on the shack door the door opened a little bit after Sadon was in my view

wearing torn clothes and a five o'clock after shave. He grinned and closed

the door behind me "Amir" he whispered in my ear while hugging me tight i

placed the basket of goods and new clothes on his table "i bought you

some food and clothes" i said still holding onto Sadon he grinned "thank

you" he said i reached up and placed my lips to his in a sweet goodbye

kiss. The sun was rising which means time for me to leave "i should get

going" i said he frowned "no please stay" he begged i frowned and let go

of him "i cant my father will suspect something" i answered heading to the

door "the Gallenger masked ball is tonight you can come" i said grinning "i

cant go to such a fine event looking like this" he said gesturing towards his

clothes he was right he didnt royal to be in the castle "well Knight Robin can

take you as his date and since its a masked ball no one will regonize you" i

explained "ok Amir" he said i gave him one last kiss before heading out the

door and mounting my horse and riding off.

I sat on the throne that was placed in between my parents

everyone was dancing and having a good time i didnt really regonzie some

people but they were royalty. Some people of our villeage came and bow

down to us Knight Robin came and bow down and removed his mask im

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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