Chapter 1 - Feyre

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My eyes fluttered open to the bright sunlight seeping through the fabric of my tent. I could hear the birds in the trees, singing their little love songs to each other. I felt like walking out and screaming to them that love was a lie, and so was happiness, but instead I remained and sat up. The cold morning air bit at the bare skin of my arm as the wind howled, like the wolf I heard last night. Like the wolf fae thing I killed. I pushed that to the side of my mind and looked around at my belongings that were strewn across the floor like a bomb had hit them. My sleeping bag was covered in an assortment of yesterday's clothes and what I would probably be wearing today. I picked up my hairbrush as started combing through the army of knots that made up my hair, before picking up some clothes off the floor and shoving them on, ending up with black leggings, a black t-shirt and a navy hoodie. It would do.

I slipped on my trainers as I left the tent, shit, it really was cold. I looked around the campsite before creating a ball of fire in my hands, desperately attempting to keep myself warm. I looked at the trees, most of which were either burnt or frozen from my recent practise with my abilities. The only problem is, people can duck and move, tree just stand there. Some of them had scratch marks on them, mainly on the branches where I had attempted, and failed, to grip on when teaching myself to fly with the wings I created. Shapeshifting was definitely not my favourite thing to do. It came from the stupid bastard Tamlin. I did know, however, that it would come in handy some day, just as soon as I leave the stupid Spring Court. 

A branch cracked to my right and my head snapped in that direction and I extinguished the ball of flame. Well fuck, look who showed up. Lucien. He emerged from the trees, followed by a few of Tamlin's best guards. I glared at him, and he stared stoically back at me.
"Lucien." I said through gritted teeth, in a sort of greeting.
"Feyre." He said calmly and almost casually, "I have been told to bring you home." I snarled at the word he chose,
"Home." I spat back at him, "I never had a home here Lucien, you know that as much as I do. Now leave." He looked at me sadly,
"You know I cannot do that Feyre. Tamlin is worried si-"
"Do not say that name!" I shouted at him, cutting off his sentence, "Plus, if he really was worried he wouldn't have sent his pet to come and get me." Anger and something that looked like hurt flashed across his eyes, before quickly disappearing.
"I didn't want to do this." He muttered, more to himself than to me, but the wind carried it. He looked down at the floor and his fire exploded towards me. I closed my eyes and felt the now familiar sensation of winnowing.


I opened my eyes again and found myself face down on the floor. All I know is that I got away from Lucien, but who knows where I went to. I also know that avoiding Lucien right now is probably the best option. I stood up and brushed myself off before looking around. 

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