Chapter 5 - Rhysand/Feyre

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If Tamlin had sent her, he would have made sure she had a mental barrier so I could get nothing out of her, but there was nothing there.
"I don't think she is here for Tamlin." Everyone gave me that look that plainly said, 'you are so biased', but I couldn't care less because I was right, "She has no mental barrier. If Tamlin had sent her, he would have made sure she did." Their mouths all formed an 'o' as Mor entered back into the room. She looked at us all in confusion,
"Are you all trying to be fish or something?" I shook my head and she mocked disappointment, "Okay then." And she pouted. She was as bad as a 5-year-old, never giving up on her little jokes.
"This is all good and well," Amren said, "but she still has powers, and they seem pretty extreme." 
"True." I said, "But she was made by all the High Lords and is bound to be powerful." She was powerful, and she had actually learnt how to use her powers in a few months. I don't know why she needed to learn them, but Tamlin had no idea, otherwise she would have become his little show pony a long time ago.
"If she is so powerful," Azriel said from the wall he was leaning on, "then won't she be wanted by all of the other High Lords, especially Tamlin?" No one answered. He was right, she wouldn't be a person you could just take, especially considering everyone will probably assume I stole her.
"I don't care who the fuck wants her." Everyone was shocked to hear Amren say that, especially considering she was usually some cynical monster who lurked in the darkness, "She is one badass girl." We all laughed out loud at that, and I could have sworn I felt something like shock down the bond from Feyre, and I knew it had travelled through the bond as well.


Laughter startled me from my sleep, but it wasn't real laughter. I was going crazy. Definitely going crazy. I had just heard laughter inside my head. Yep, definitely going crazy. I sighed to myself, maybe I should have just stayed with Tamlin. Maybe I would have been happy if I had just given it a chance, we were planning our wedding after all. I don't know if I am ready for that sort of commitment yet, or whether I will ever find someone better and regret it for the now centuries that I have to live. I sat up in bed, knowing that sleep would never come now, and walked into the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess of knots and a whole lots of dirt, as well as maybe a few leaves from my little flight today. My clothes were al ripped and dirty, and I felt completely inadequate in front of the High Lord. Why should I care though? It's not like he would ever care about me! I turn the tap on and use the water from there to create little animals. Something to help calm me down in the torrent of thoughts. They ran around the edge of the sink, chasing each other. A lion, a fox and a bat. Tamlin, Lucien and -
Rhysand, the water animals disappeared and I stepped back from the sink. It was a voice inside my head. It was a fucking voice inside my head! The laughter came back again and I ran back to my bed and closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would come before I truly went insane.


I woke up again at 3 o'clock in the morning, feeling nauseas as usual. I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. My whole body was shaking and my clothes were getting covered in it. Every night since Under the Mountain I had woken up and been sick. Every single night. Alone. No comfort by my side, not even Tamlin had come to help me. 
Then the door to my bedroom creaked open. Shit. I shut the door of the bathroom, desperately trying to stop throwing up, but nothing was working.
"Feyre?" It was the High Lord, Rhysand. What the hell was he doing in my room? "Where are you? I heard noise and I thought that maybe you were trying to escape." He was right outside the bathroom door now, I could hear his breath.
"I'm fine. Go away!" I shouted from my fetal position in the corner. I heard him sigh and walk away out of my room. What the hell was that?


You stupid idiot! You can't just walk into her room! You can't force a relationship! You don't even deserve her after what you have done.
These words kept repeating over in my head as I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. It was all true though, she will always hate me. She was too good for me anyway, and I always knew that loving her would mean letting her go. I can't have anything I love in this world, or eventually I will lose it, that is why no one knows about Velaris, about my Court of Dreams.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality, and stared at the ceiling for a few more minutes, to try and contain myself again.
"Come in." I muttered and the door crack open revealing Azriel, a worried expression on his face. I noticed a note in his hand, the Spring Court emblem printed clearly on the front. I jumped up out of my bed as he whispered,
"Feyre, winnow, Tamlin."

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