It was just the beginning

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Previously on WYB

You go to the house, have a strange feeling. Your friends later then tell you that it was a scam. Who was right?


You tell your friends that you'll ask the contact who she/he really is. They tell you to not, but you do it  anyway.  You get their number again. The person replied 2 days later.

(Time skip)

You asked the person who he / she really is. They replied , saying that they want you to keep the secret, or else they'd kill you. For your sake, you listened to their command. You took a break of this none sense, and went back on Instagram. Just then, your alarm rang. It was time to get ready for school 🏫. Your worst enemy. As you came inside the school , then Rose and Mesya came running to you asking if they replied. You felt like you were being watched, so you said no. You said that you already deleted the number.
But you didn't. You felt relieved and safe after saying that.

After your school, you checked out the latest message. It said that he wanted to apologize for what he did. You thought it was over , but it wasn't. It was just the beginning.  You ran home, relieved that it had ended. Just then, you arrive home. The door is open, and the windows are too. You freaked out, so you looked for your pet dog inside of the house. Your dog wasn't there. You called the police saying that there had been a robbery in  your house. When the police got there , they searched the place for any clues. But, there were none.

To be continued

Is this story fine?? Or not...? Please tell me suggestions or how you want the story to end in the comments. If I find a good one, then It'll be part of the story. 😉

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