[Chapter2] Confusion

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He could feel the blood flowing out of his head, it  damn hurts. He wanted to die. He doeesnt want to live anymore. He'd had enough.  He closed his eyes wanting to dissapear in this world. before he drifted to sleep, he heard a familiar song still playing, the tears fell from his eyes.

"We are TVXQ. My Hero, My max, my U- Know, my Xiah, and Micky, We are the one eternally"Kiss the baby sky was playing


He opened his eyes slowly.

The light was blinding him but he got used to it after a while.

He could see the sunshine escaping from the blinds of this unfamiliar white room. He could also hear the leaves brushing to each other with the light movement of the wind and he could smell the roses that are placed to his bedside table. Beside the roses were some fruits that he could easily eat.

He knew where he was, the hospital.

He got into an accident because of drunkdrinving and the dumb truck driver. But well, this wouldn't happen if he didn't drink for the

"celebration" at all. 

"Well, I'm fine for some unknown reason considering that my car spinned like crazy. It was just probably the effect of being drunk. I have few bandages on my body but i didnt break a leg or bones so it's all fine. I wonder if Yoochun and Junsu noticed that i was missing. Probably not, they are probabaly busy being lovey dovey to jejudo together.

I wish my Yunho and Changmin is here. HAHA my Yunho? i forgot we aren't together anymore. Why? We've broke up when he decided to stay in SMent. It was for the best. I wanted to free him. We couldn't be together in the first place so why not give him freedom to have girls that has bigger boobs than I am?"

The sudden loud footsteps woke him up from thinking so much. His mother entered the room.

She looks younger. It's been a year since he last saw his mother and he didn't expect her to look this young.

After the break-up, he isolated himself to his room. His only contacts were the yoosu couple and his heechul unnie.

His mom smiled and hug him

"Jaejoongie~~ You're finally awake, Oh my god honey~you're finally awake. I was so worried for you. I'm glad you're okay. Are you hurting somehwere?"

Jaejoong moves his head left to right signaling "no".

"Okay.But I have to call the Doctor neh? wait for me. " 

His Mom dissapeared from his sight, and when she came back, she had the doctor with her.

The Doctor checked his heartbeat and asked him some few question. He answered all the questions correctly so far. It was just all about what his name,his age,his family's name , 2+2 and all those things, then the last question, what year it is?

He proudly answered "2013". he is sure that it is year 2013 right now unless he has been into a coma .

The Doctor frowned. It feels like he was thinking hard about something . 

"Was I wrong?" Jaejoong asked the doctor calmly.

It's okay." He answered. He  didn't actually get what he meant by that but he just nodded his head. 

He asked another question .

" What hapenned during the accident? "

"All i could remember was i was drunk, my vision was blurry, I tried to turn right but a random truck suddenly appeared and it hit my car."

"How old are you?" The doctor asked him again.

" I am 27 years old."

He could see the Doctor wrinkling his forehead. It feels like he said something terribly wrong.  His mom was just staring at him. It feels like she's trying to be calm as possible but she couldn't hide the terror in her eyes. He wanted to ask him more questions but he suddenly spoke.

"Miss Kim, can you talk to me outside this room?"

He was in panicked.  I knew it! something was wrong. 

Am i crazy now? Was i those people who like make up stories after waking up in an accident? But I know i'm not crazy. I just know,  I'am not .

"NO!" He shouted. " Talk here in front of me".

The doctor and his mom exchanged glances, his mom nodded signaling the doctor to go on, talk infront of him.

The Doctor start off by saying "Did you steal a car?"

"Of course not, What kind of question is that? Why would i still someone's car? I have my own." answered Jaejoong

Why would it be impossible for me to have a car? is he insulting me and my carreer? Jaejoong said inwardly

"It's impossible, you're underage." said the doctor

Is this so-called Doctor on crack?  he thought

"Hahahha Doc, stop kidding around , I know I look young but I am not underage." 

"I wasn't kidding Jaejoong."

"So you are really suspecting that i stole a car?"

"That's not what i meant but how in the world can a child like you get a car?"

"CHILD? I am 27 years old for Goodness sake and I have my own job, bussiness and house so I don't see the reason why i couln't afford my OWN car." Jaejoong said irritatively

The Doctor's face suddenly all went so serious. Serious than he already was.

" Jaejoong, don't panic, I'm about to say something important to you. Promise me"

Jaejoong really wanted to know whats going on

"Okay , go on."

" All you were saying was nonsense. You don't have a house, you do not own business and you do not own a car. A random car accidentaly hit you when you were trying to cross the road so The "truck hitting your car" accident didn't happen."

Jajoong was shocked but he kept on listening.

"And lastly, you aren't 27 years old. You are 17 years old. It is year 2003."

The last 2 sentence keeps on repeating to Jaejoong's head.

"You are 17 years old. It is year 2003."


SO, How was in Cassies? OMg i swear this chapter is effing boring. sorry sorry sorrry.. I'll try my best

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