Scira One Shot

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Okay so this is my first story on Wattpad. This is going to be a bunch of one shots of pretty much anything. You can request what you want next!

Disclamer: Teen Wolf and the characters belong to Jeff Davis, not me.
Enjoy :)
The speed at which Kira was running was probably a little illogical. Even after running as fast as she could for 15 minutes constantly she still didn't feel tired. Kira tried to listen to the footsteps as the alpha followed me but the noise kept getting further and further away. When she reached the edge of the forest she didn't hear anything at all so she stopped. Taking her phone out of her pocket she called the only person who could help her.
"Scott I need your help, it's really important."
"What is it Kira?" He sounded a little agitated but concerned none the less.
"There is an alpha chasing me in the forest and I think it's going to kill me!"
"Kira there isn't any alphas in Beacon Hills except for me, it's probably an omega."
"No Scott I saw its eyes. They were red! Please just-" She stopped talking when she heard the alpha growl behind her. Slowly turning around she faced the alpha and saw it was a full on wolf.

Scott heard Kira scream before his connection was cut off. He realized he had to go otherwise she was in danger of dying. Thinking about Kira dying made him really upset. Tonight was the night he was planning to tell her his feelings about her. After texting Derek about an alpha in Beacon Hills he ran as fast as he could to the forest. He heard her heart beat to the left of him so he went that way. What he say made him freeze. The alpha was fighting with Kira and it looked like she was loosing, badly. He started to see red as he was transforming. Quickly, he ran towards the alpha and started attacking him with such force it knocked the alpha down. He kept clawing and hitting the alpha until it's body started to transform to human. When it was almost human it sprung up and ran away from them.

Kira watched the fight and wished she could join but she was too weak. When it was over she forced herself to walk over to Scott. She almost fell but he caught her. She heard a noise and looked over to see nothing but a bunny crawling out from a bush.
"Thank you for saving me" she whispered turning to look into Scott's eyes.
"I will always save you Kira because... I love you." She noticed how close there faces were and leaned in closing the gap between their lips. When she pulled away her heart was racing.
"I love you too Scott"

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