Scisaac One Shot part 2

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Isaac POV:

It had been three days since Scott's mom found out and so far Scott hasn't talked to me. Every time I would try to talk to him he always turned and walked away. That was until today.

"Isaac wait up!" I heard him yell after I was leaving lacrosse practice. I was so shocked I stopped and he ran into me.

"Scott... Wha-what are you doing?" Without warning he grabbed my hand and pretty much dragged me to the back of the school. Once we were all alone as far as my werewolf senses could tell he surged forward and connected his lips to mine. When he finally pulled away all I could do was stare.

"Isaac I'm so fucking sorry for not talking to you or walking away from you and ignoring you but my mom was forcing me because she is so confused about this all and I'm rea-" I cut him off by kissing him again.

"Scott I get it, it's okay. Your mom was confused because she thought you were straight and she caught us about to have sex." He nodded before staring at me so seriously that I got really scared.

"But guess what, my mom finally agreed to let me and you be together " I just stared at Scott before hugging him tightly.

"Woah okay I know we are both werewolves but you are crushing me" Scott choked out so I loosened my grip and he hugged me back. I heard someone clear their throat behind me so I turned around and saw Scott's mom.

"Oh, uh hey Mrs. McCall" She looked down sadly before coming over and hugging me.

"Isaac I am really sorry I just needed some time to process everything but you are welcome back to our house whenever you want as long as you guys keep the door open" she smiled at us before walking away.

I smiled before grabbing Scott's hand and pulling him into the woods.


A/N: Sorry the ending was shit I couldn't think of anything else. School is finally done though so yay! I'm gonna try to update sooner and stuff because schools out and I have no life besides the internet CX

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