Winter Lies

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Alexis knew it was coming,she just knew it, it was one of her instincts, it was coming and soon too.

In 5...4...3...2..1

RING RING RING!!!!!! Yep, there it was, with its annonying contast beeping. She slammed her fist into the device and broke it, she honestly didn't care, but she knew how Tiffany would barge into her room and start nagging her about, " Too many clocks broken" or " How many clocks suffered from her wrath" so before that could happen she reluctantly got up from bed and looked at her wall clock, it read: 5:20 A.M. Alexis made sure that if she ever went back in time she would kill who ever made alram clocks.She lazily grabbed her towel and walked to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed her teeth, and she tried to comb her hair, but every time she pulled the comb through her hair, it would get stuck between the curls, its not her fault her hair is so unnaturally curly! So in the end she gave up and used the brush instead like every morning. Making her way back to her room, she got out her clothes for school:a white long shirt, navy skinny jeans,her favorite blue jacket, and blue stripped socks.In total everything took about 30min.Leaving her room and going down the hallway , she made it to the door that was only 2 doors down from her's.When she opened the door, the first thing she saw was 2 sleeping figures, she went to the right bed and kicked the person onto the floor, usually a person who was sleeping, got kicked would wake up right? Well not for this kid, he laid there snoring lightly.Signing loudly she took the boy's ear and said,

' If you don't get your ass up now then you won't be able to ever call yourself a man, if you know what I mean, and of course you do." With that the said boy, quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. Going to the other bed, Alexis shook the boy in the bed, and surprisingly- unlike the other boy, he woke up. As soon as his vision focused he mumbled aquiet " Good morning" Exiting out of the room, Alexis went down stairs, and into the kitchen where she was greeted by a girl, with dark brown eyes and short brown hair.

"Good morning Alexis" the girl said

" Morning Tiffany" Alexis mumbled

" Did you break another clock?" Tiffany asked, turning her attention back to the breakfast she was making

" No" Alexis lied

" Yeah she did, i saw the matel peices in her room" a new voice said

Turning around, Alexis and Tiffany came face-to-face with a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

" Good morning to you too Mark" Tiffany said, as she fixed her glare on Alexis, who was ingorning it

" First off: Morning, Second off: Why the fuck were you in my room?" Alexis asked with a warning tone

Mark, being Mark just shruged and made his way to the refrigerator, grabbing the milk and pouring it into a clean glass. About 10 minutes of silence, a cheerful looking boy with neat brown hair and dark brown eyes came downstairs.

" Good Morning~" The boy cheered

" Morning Danny" everyone said together

" Danny sit down" Tiffany said, motioning him to sit at the table.

Everyone was eating breakfast which, included: Eggs, bacon, bagles, pancakes, and walffles with a side of juice.

" Why did you cook so much Tiffany? There's only 6 of us , Theo is still sleeping and Jessica left" Alexis stated

" Opps, my bad~" Tiffany said

" Do you want me to grow fat?" Alexis asked in a fake annonyed tone

" Yes, yes i do" Tiffany sarcasticlly said, rolling her eyes

" Ohh~ Food!~" an exicited voice cooed

" Morning to you too, Theo" Danny said, as he put another pancake onto his plate

" Why didn't you wake me up?'' Theo asked, pouting which caused Tiffany to laugh and ruffle his Hazel hair

" Don't worry Theo its only 6:20 you had plenty of time to sleep" Mark said

" Yeah, but I'm always the last one to wake up!" Theo complained

" Shut up and eat the food" Alexis comanded

" Okay!" Theo cheered

' Even if i've known him for like 14 years i can never get use to his Bi polor personality, i swear he's just like Santina" Alexis Thought

After about 20 minutes of scurfing down food, Tiffany grabbed all the dishes and handed them to Alexis, who deiced to wash them. While she was doing that the boys deiced to watch T.V and Tiffany went to do her unfinished homework- which ment coping off of Danny, since everyone should know- Tiffany does not do homework, thats basic common knowledge. Once Alexis was done it was already 6:50, which was plenty of time for Alexis to change into a wolf or for her to practice her powers. Yeah you read right, Alexis is a werewolf and she has powers. Shes not the only one though.Alexis, Tiffany, and Jessica are werewolves. Danny,Mark, and Theo are vampires. And no the guys don't sparkle in the sunlight-they're not freaking tinkerbells! And if you think that the girls have to strip to their underwear like Jacob had to do in Twlight to turn into a wolf, then let me say something- They don't. And one more thing-they have powers. So its like this:

Alexis: Wolf/powers:Speed+control water at will

Tiffany: Wolf/ power: Intelligence or everything and everyone

Jessica: Wolf/powers: Strenth

Danny: Vampire/power: Sense

Mark: Vampire/power: Teleankinis

Theo: Vampire/power-Flight

But the thing is that they can't use their powers when they're in their werewolf/vampire form, they don't know why but its just like that.

" Okay its 7:05 and we have like-what? 20 minutes?" Tiffany asked

" Acutually we have 30 minutes." Danny said in a smartass tone

" Whatever so what do you want to do for the next 30 minutes?" Mark asked

' Ring,ring,ring' a sound came

" Mark thats your phone right?" Theo asked

" No, that not his it's mine" Alexis said, as she answered the call

" Hello?" She asked

" Oh, hey Serey. Yeah I'm leaving at like 7:40 my dad is still sleeping." with that she hung up

" That Serey girl seems like close to you, Alexis-" Mark started but was cut off by Alexis

" I get it. Don't let her become too close to me, if you think that i didn't learn my lesson when that happen, then your wrong. I did learn my lesson, Mark I'm not a child anymore." Alexis stated in a cold voice

After she said that, the whole room was suddenly filled with silence, it wasn't an akward silence nor a comfortable silence; it was just silence, nothing more, nothing less. Mark let out a big sigh and said," Okay, sorry bout that lets just watch some T.v okay?"

Alexis looked at him then, everyone else, then looked bak, " Sorry i didn't mean to snap at you, yeah lets watch T.v"

" Lets watch spongebob!" Theo exclaimed

Danny let out a soft laugh and said, " Sure. Why not? Everyone needs some spongebob in their life right?"

Making their way to the couch, they sat down, Mark turned the T.V on and flipped through the channels, until he found a channel that was playing spongebob. So they sat there just watching spongebob. Until Alexis saw that it was alrady 7: 35.

" Okay lets get ready. It's 7:35" She said

They got everything they needed and walked out of the house, they're highschool wasn't that far, it was only like 5 blocks, so when they arrived they went to their respectful places-where they always met their group of friends. BMS was the high school they all went to, but since the school was so big, and they all had different peroids they didn't see eachother expect after schooland before school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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