Meet the new desendants

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Princess Becky daughter of Queen mal and King Ben she wasn't the most royal fit

Becky P.O.V.

My name is Becky bertha florian  (reverence from the first desendants movie) you guessed it my mother is queen mal from the isle of the lost and my father is king ben from Auradon you may know their friends Evie,Carlos,and,Jay and you may know their story but do you know ours yes theirs more of me theirs Essence daughter of Evie and Doug then theirs Josh son of Carlos and Jane uh BTW Jane now owns the wand that once belonged to FG aka fairy god mother and of course the sword whisper Luna daughter of Jay and Lonnie (ok,ok,ok if you saw desendants 2 then you will know that Lonnie and Jay are basically dating if you didn't well sorry spoiler) and then you probably didn't know this but uma and harry (desendants 2 VK'S) soon became good guys and came to live in Auradon they have a son named Harris and this is our story

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