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Miku's POV

My name is Hatsune Miku.

I'm 16 years old and I'm a female.

I barely know how to read and write.

And I just left behind all that was familiar.

It wouldn't make sense to explain you the rules of this world I was born in. All I can say is that, in this place, women are born to serve men. All of us, at the tender age of 14, are assigned to a man to be controled by.

No, we don't make them food.

No, we don't clean their houses.

We solely exist to give them one thing:


That's all that we are born for. To give our bodies to our masters until we can no more.

And that applies everywhere.

Well, everywhere but a small place called Vocabulus.

This place is surrounded by thick walls that avoid it being invaded by the rest. There, women and men are treated equaly. There, gay people are allowed their rights, instead of being tortured and raped. There, we aren't confined to the lives of servants.

And that's exactly where I'm headed right now.

As I run, my feet get more and more tired.

I feel my breath escape me.

But I can't stop.

I promised mom I'd be alright.

She suceeded in hiding me from this cruel world for 16 years.

But now that they found me, all I can do is run.

Run until I get to those thick walls where the security guards can help me.

And I'm almost making it.

Just a little more.

I need to push my sore body just a little further.

And as I am seing the gates to that safe haven, my vision turns to black and I feel my body give out.


Yo this is Marry!

So I decided I'd be focusing on fanfics on this account. I will finish the ones on my main account, but then I'll focus more on my boy x boy original novels there.

So I've had this idea for a while, but I'm finally developing it!


I hope you liked the Prologue!

Until next time!!!!

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