Just another love story ( Matt Espinosa )

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You wake up to your mom shaking you. You looked over at the time it was already 8.30!
You and Courtney were leaving at 9 to go to your new house in California.

You stubble out of bed grab your suitcase and put it in the trunk of your car. You take one last glance at your house that you grew up in before you went and picked up Courtney.

You and Courtney were finally free. You guys acted like sisters. You trusted each other with anything and no conversations were dull.

You pull up to a address you read on a piece of paper and turned towards Courtney. Well this is were we will be living. You both got out and started going up the drive way.

You look over and see some boys playing basketball a couple houses down, they looked your age. You told Courtney you would be inside in a minute.

You start walking over to them and they stop and stare. You suddenly say hi I'm y/n, I just moved in here and I saw you guys playing basketball! That's my favorite sport! What's your names?

Matt was the first one to speak up. "I'm Matt" he said. " and this is Cameron, Carter, and Nash." You Gladly say hi and tell them you have to go unpack

As you start to leave Matt runs up to you and asks if you would like to hangout with him tomorrow. You said yes. You could tell he liked you. As you were walking away you could hear him say "see ya later beautiful"

That's when you knew he was the one...

Just another love story ( Matt Espinosa )Where stories live. Discover now