Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


His lips crashed on mine. His lips were very rough and not at all in a good way, and he was rushing into it really quick. I felt him rest his hand on the small of my back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. But I knew better and pulled away, this wasn't because of some undying reason that I like him, it was only to make Ginny shut her trap.

Feeling some sort of accomplishment looking at everyone's faces as I got up, I returned to my book on the couch.

Ron cleared his throat, "well... serves you right not to cross her Ginny..." He laughed awkwardly.

"In my defense I didn't think she would actually participate," she huffed. She looked toward Seamus who held a dumbfounded face with a small smile, "Oh you git get over it!" She got up promptly and retreated to her room.

Honestly, Ginny has always been such a terrible person, but I feel as if everyone has tolerated her because she is a Weasley. I would not allow her to walk all over me for no damn reason. I took a deep breathing exhaled slowly. The whole group disbursed leaving only Harry and Ron on the second couch joking around.

"Hermione do you know what classes we start tomorrow?" asked Harry

"I believe we start with Defense Against the Dark Arts. I wonder who will be teaching us this year, surely it couldn't be Snape." She flipped her book to the next page.

"Aye does Seamus fancy you." Ron said with a chuckle still looking at the fire. It isn't new for there to be people who liked me. Just as much as boys liked Ginny it was just the same with me. I just was very modest about it compared to some people.

"Why is that any of your concern?" I responded slightly annoyed that we were having this conversation.

"You have boys kissing your foot steps and yet you haven't chosen anyone as your boyfriend." he said with a surprise in his voice.

"If you haven't noticed they all act of indecent nature, I mean honestly..."

"Not all guys are like that you'll find someone. Of course there will be no one better than me but you can try to look around." he chuckled.

"Was that really necessary to say Ron?" Harry scolded him, punching his arm.

"Ow mate, I was only joking!" Ron groaned rubbing his arm.

"Honestly Ron, I am the reason there is no us so don't give me cheek about that!" I yelled.

I quickly grabbed my belongings and headed to my room.

I settled into my bed listening to the rain picking up outside. Truly this year seemed to start off on the wrong foot. But it was not anything I could really do much about, honestly.

I spaced out my mind emptying it from all of my emotions and drifted to sleep.

Tomorrow would be a new day.


As it turns out, Umbridge would be the DADA professor. Giving the best impression of herself she openly called harry a liar in class and gave him detention for defending himself. Like I said before, I really hope this is the ministry flexing their muscles and not actually causing any trouble. But with the ministry you can never be sure.

We have double potions today with Slytherins. Spending some quality time with our fellow Slytherin house trying to pass Snape's class.

Well Gryffindor mostly trying to pass. It has always been well known that Snape has never failed a Slytherin once.

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