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I knew that this morning was going to be a rocky one, simply because of the incredible look of pissed offness on Taya's face. Taya is never her best in the mornings, her brain doesn't wake up until she's told at least twelve people to "cer i grafu" Welsh makes even less sense then Gaelic, and Gaelic makes less sense than Finland (see picture at the top).

   Cal is almost the complete opposite of Taya. He thinks more than he talks, and when he does talk it is with precision, you can tell he has planned every word. He is also a terrific listener, who enjoys listening to Taya's mad schemes and my latest obsessions. This means we can occasionally have peaceful mornings while Taya rants to Cal, and I read my Rugby Weekly. Taya and Cal are so lucky belonging to such an impressive rugby nation, Scotland is nowhere near as rugby focused as Wales is.

  Having a baked bean waved about under my nose was not a welcome interruption to the match review I was reading, especially as Morning Taya™ was going on another dramatic rant about nothing important whilst her glasses slid down her nose. Cal and I know better than to steer her off topic when she's like this, Morning Taya™ is susceptible to breathing fire; unfortunately a Gryffindor second year did not know this, and decided to make his feelings for a Hufflepuff girl more apparent.

Just one look at Taya, and I decided to join Cal, who hid under the table from all the loud noise.

After Taya's seemingly not particularly provocative announcement there was a moment of silence, in which a Slytherin girl with short blond hair looked over at us, and climbed under her own table.
Then there was an unnecessary amount of screaming and chaos.

It was rather amusing, until someone called Taya a 'Stuck Up Prudish Bitch'.

I think he's still alive, I mean he still had his head when he was carried off to the hospital wing... as an anteater... with diarrhoea... and fleas...

Moral of the story, don't let Taya in public before lunchtime.

Even if it was quite funny.

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