Celeste: Creator of life, element of earth and skies, fire and rain. She died to save the creation she loved so much.
James: Creator of warmth, element of fire and night. Loved Celeste and will do anything to protect her life.
Leolyn: Creator of sky, element of wind and light. He will do anything for the ones he lives in his life.
Hariel: Creator of earth, element of ground and grass. His beliefs keep the world only known to them safe.
Ezekiel:Creator of liquid, element of water and blood. Brother of the one lost to the darkness of love.
Orion:Creator of balance, element of death and bliss. Betrayer of all things of light.
Celion: Prince of the stars, protecter of innocence. Celeste was the light in the loneliness in life.
The Chronicals Of Destruction(Book 1):Fall of The Stars and Moon
FantasyElements. They make up the world as we know it. Water,wind,sky, earth,warmth,flame,lightning, Creation itself. We don't speak of destruction. Destruction is the one thing that slowly corrupts us all. I learned that long ago.