Chapter 1 'The 4 Dark Knights'

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~Nobody P.O.V~

  It was a original morning for Okami and her family. Today is Mai (she doesn't like her first name so she her second name) first year at Sakura Ayaka Academy. She going with Okami and Yuudai because they went when they were first years and they got a scholarship.

  It was only for the rich kids who have to much time on there hand. They heard rumors about the 4 Dark Knights but they ignore it. They have seen them treat the boys bad. They do want to help but it just they don't want to deal with it. So all they tell Mai not to get in trouble and stay away from the bad students.

  They were at the front of the house/mansion waiting for Mai to get ready. They live in the mountain with their village. The peoples are nice and caring. Villagers call the Okami the She-Wolf and Yuudai the Kind Lion. They help the village and the children too. They are like heroes of their village. The children from their village adore them. For the Kawaii's sisters, Ichiro's sisters, Izumi, and Honami they call them the Princess of Light or Big Sisters. For the Oshin's brothers, and Suzuki's brothers, and Tadao call them the Prince Charming of the village or Big Brothers. For Okami they call her Big Sister (the children that have parent(s) call her that) or Mama-chan (orphan(s) children call her that). So let continue the story. They have to leave early in the morning to go to the 1 hours bus ride and then walk to school. After Mai is done.

  They wait for the bus to come. 5 minutes later, the bus came and they get on the bus.

~1 hours later~

  They got out of the bus and now they have to walk to school. It take them 10 minutes to walk. They are the only one at the school that walk to school. The school start at 8:30 am and end at 3:00 pm.

  When they walk into the school gates and they were welcome by smiles and talking. School starts 5 minutes so the Mai and the Oshin's twins went to their separate ways. They say good bye to each other. The twins have the same class together. So when the school bell rings, everybody went to their classroom.

~2 hours later~

  Then there was silence in the classroom and the teacher was teaching. 5 minutes later, the Dark Knights minion said, "FEAR!!! Mori Fujioka, Class A4!!! Time for WAR!!!" The teacher said, "Class is over." And then he left the classroom. The students got out of their sits and start following the person. Okami and Yuudai look at each other and thinking the same thing, 'Can this be anymore annoying.' They both sigh and continue to do their work. But was interrupting by Mai.

~Okami P.O.V~

  Mai came in our classroom and ask us this question, "Ammy, who the Dark Knights and why do people respect them???" She is my cousin so I can't lie to her. My friends and family sometimes call me White Fang or Fang or Ammy (Izumi, Ai, Shin, Nao or Mai call me to annoy me) because I don't like my name and I am a tough person and not a nice person (only nice to kids, elders, friends, and family). No one knows my real name but except my family's and the village. I look at Yuudai or Leo or Scary Cat (which I call him sometime) because he sometime a lion or when he scared.

  Yuudai look at me and I sigh because I have to explain to her about Four Dark Knights and who are they. Me and Yuudai got up from our chair. We walk into the hallway and I start to explain to Mai, "It about four twin brothers that came from a rich family." We walk outside to the Rose Maze. I continue to explain, "They register for free so that why you don't see them wear uniform." We see the students circle around Mori and they put trash on him. Then the Four Dark Knights come in and then Seina said, "It the the Four Dark Knights." Her and her 2 friends faint. Most of the girl either squeal or faint. The students said, "FEAR!!!" Again and again.

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