#9 makeandoffer

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This was an interview with makeandoffer. It was really interesting interview her because she is also one of my top 5 favourite writers on wattpad!

Q1) When did you start writing?

makeandoffer: I started writing quite young. Everything I wrote sucked fair enough, I could barely spell back then so it wasn't exactly readable. I always loved making up stories though, which in a twisted way probably explains why I'm so good at lying.

Q2) How do you overcome your writer's block if you have any?

makeandoffer: There is no easy answer to this one because writers block is the mother and grandmother of all bitches. Normally I don't write for ages and it takes me to either watch something or read something else for it to go away and get inspiration from other things. Normally, it just comes and goes.

Q3) Do you believe in love/true love? What is your opinion about love in general?

makeandoffer: I do believe in love, but I do think that the way its made out to be in todays time and age is absolute horse shit. There is such a ridiculous expectation of what 'true love' is and that is because of writers like myself and film makes who make it seem like true love happens to everyone, and its always with a hot guy who's a manslut but then magically puts his banging belt away to sweep you off your feet. I am just as guilty for this as others, but that is why the majority of my stories are not run of the mill romances. I always try and make it as fucked up as possible because that is exactly what it is like in real life.

I don't think I've ever really been in love, because apparently if you have you know right? The whole idea does baffle me because I'm single and I'm so happy. The idea of having a boyfriend right now and actually have to consider someone else when I make decisions makes me a little queasy.

Q4) We all know that about your boyfriend Jamie and how you guys are so adorable, from the stories that you share through your messaged, and it makes me curious about the story behind how you and Jamie met. Could you share that with your readers? (Note: When I imposed this question, I wasn't aware of this. My bad!)

makeandoffer: See answer above on the boyfriend thing hahaa Jamie is not my boyfriend, he is my best friend. He has been for as long as I can remember. I wrote a story about how my childhood when I actually had a crush on Jamie one of the first times we met and how disastrous it ended up (puke and R.kelly) We met a few times before that, but the first time we properly spent time, just us two, was when we decided to skip school and sit at the park for the rest of the day. He brought me and ice lolly in a cup and apparently as a young girl that was enough for a crush to come on hahaa Seriously though I do love that kid, not in the way that the 'janna' shippers hope though.

Q5) Oops, sorry for that misconception. Anyway, next question. If you were part of a love triangle that involved a rich hot jerk guy and a hot bad boy who doesn't have much money but is such a sweetheart, which guy would you choose?

makeandoffer: Hot bad guy who is actually nice. Money isnt really the big factor while choosing a guy. Don't get me wrong, money makes the world go round, but if Ryan Gosling came up to me dirt poor and wanted me to touch him I would not say no even for a million pounds. Plus the second option the guy was nice. Not too nice though, no one wants a dweeb.

Q6) Do you believe in Happy endings?

makeandoffer: Not to be too grim, but not particularly. Like I think there are happier ending than other but at the end of the day in realy life the only ending is death so how happy can that be? lol I think that's why I need to end the majority of my stories happy, because the whole point of them is for people to read them to try and escape. I want my stories to be happy that way my readers feel happy when it ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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