1 . Question ( Gelo )

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For K_Swish30

" come on we have practice and the guys will be with us today " I hear my friend say as we make our way down the hall to the gym . I nod and walk faster . Once we hit the locker rooms we get dressed quickly and run out to the gym . I noticed Gelo but didn't say anything . " stop staring " I nudge (y/f/n) in the side . She laughs . I have always liked Gelo ever since 9th grade but I never said anything about it , he would probably never like me anyway so what's the point in saying anything . " you're gonna have to talk to him soon " (y/f/n ) says . I laugh . " nah I'm good not tryna embarrass myself " I say . (Y/f/n) shakes her head and shoots the ball . I continue my practice but have that weird feeling someone is looking at me . I look over and see Gelo . I feel my face heat up and I look away . Why is he looking at me ? I thought to myself . Once practice was over I ran to the locker room and changed . I wanted to get back fast and shower . As I opened the door I bumped into a muscular frame . " oh I'm sorry - " I looked up to see Gelo . He smiles . Showing his white teeth . " hey Kaliyah " he says . I smile " hey Gelo " there was a pause before he took a breath . " I have a question " . I nodded , showing him to tell me . " I was thinking maybe tonight I could take you out somewhere nice " he asks studying my face . I blush . " that sounds nice Gelo " he smiles . " good cuz I wasn't finna let you say no " he says laughing . I roll my eyes and laugh . He puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk out together .

Hey ! I hope you like it Kaliyah . I suck 😂 but I try my best . You can request whenever 😊 . Same goes with everyone else .

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