01, come on, emi!

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come on, emi!
live a little

come on, emi!live a little-

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"I don't understand why you want to go shopping again, Kirst," Emi complained as her roommate dragged her by the wrist from their apartment. She whined like a small child being forced away from their computer games and make believe toys.

"Because shopping is fun, plus I need new shoes," Kirsty told her, letting go as she locked the door.

"I swear you only bought new shoes last week," Emi said certainly. And it was true. They'd done this exact same exchange only a week ago.

Kirsty's argument was that it was healthy to get away from university work for a while and to partake in a little retail therapy, but Emi begged to differ. In fact, as this was the second occurrence in a short time of being dragged from the comfort of her bed, she made a mental note to get evidence to back up her argument, and to disprove Kirsty's.

It wasn't that she hated shopping. Usually, she got at least one new book out of it and sometimes even a cute tea dress, but nine times out of ten the main bulk of time spent at the shopping centre was on Kirsty's mission to find the perfect dress.

Tight, but not too tight, short, but not too short, showing off cleavage, but not too revealing. And then they had to find a pair of shoes to match, which took even longer than finding a dress.

Kirsty was lucky. Her parents were rich, and more than happy to pay for whatever she wanted to purchase for one of her wild nights out. Emi's parents were more in the mind-set of paying for minimal and for their daughter to earn some money for a change, especially as university fees were far from cheap. Emi didn't mind. She quite liked the independence.

"Yeah, but they don't match my new dress. I went for something a little daring and out of my comfort zone. Yellow is a bold move for me and I don't know if it'll work out," She said as she dropped her keys into her bag.

"I'm sure you'll manage." Emi rolled her eyes, stuffing her hands as best she could into the shallow pockets of her denim jacket.

"This is a serious matter, Em. You know how I like to look good anyway, but I need to look extra good for this part because a certain Lewis Redman is going to be there and you know how badly I need to tap that." she pointed a finger at her, pouting her lips.

"Right, yeah."

"Oh, are you coming with, by the way? Sarah said I could bring you if you're down to come," She explained. She was always hopeful when it came to these offers, but Emi usually always turned them down.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Emi, live a little! Besides, I think most people are going and it would be stupid to miss out on the biggest party of the year so far. It's got a proper venue and everything." Emi had to give it to her, she was good at getting what she wanted, mainly because she didn't stop until she did.

"Fine," Emi said, giving in. "I'll come, but don't expect me to stay all night."

Kirsty squealed, launching herself onto Emi for a massive hug, much to the annoyance of the others who stood at the bus stop with them. "I'm so glad you're coming!"

"Wait, does this mean I need to buy a new dress and shoes too?"

"Of course it does, and I know the perfect one for you."



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After several hours of shopping, Emi was more than ready to come home. She'd tried on enough dresses for a lifetime, purchased one, and Kirsty had insisted on buying the other for her, as well as buying her own.

They'd both bought new shoes too, even if Emi wasn't entirely sure about the height of her heels. Kirsty told her to take a leap of faith, Emi told her she was going to break her ankles. Kirsty said it would make for a good story, Emi disagreed, but bought them anyway.

That was how their friendship worked. Emi wanted to hide in her shell, but Kirsty dragged her out with a grin on her face and forced her into the world. It was good to have a friend like her around, but tiring and slowing of progression through work.

Emi had always, always been the sort of person to get ahead on work by either doing it early or the very day she got given it. She liked to call it organisation, not an addiction. Kirsty called it obsessive, but she was the sort to leave it to the last minute and opt to go out partying instead.

However, she wasn't all work. She did go out sometimes. Usually a few times a month just to appease Kirsty, and to have a little fun with friends. Although she didn't drink, she still had a good time dancing with Kirsty, and she didn't even mind when she had to basically carry her home too, dragging her away from whatever guy she was trying it on with.

But that's the kind of friend Emi was.

Reliable, kind, and sensible, but she wouldn't call herself that. She'd only use one word to describe herself: boring.

Whenever she said this to anyone, they'd make a cooing face and disagree, telling her she was just reserved.

Emi always smiled, disagreeing.

"Right, I think I'm done," Kirsty finally said and Emi sighed with relief, a smile bursting across her lips. "Don't smile like that. We've still got to go get food and you know what I'm like with planning meals."

"Indecisive," Emi said. "Very indecisive."



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