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             NEW YORK TIMES
             February 13 1987
             Debra Washington, age 24 one of NASAs newest astronauts; is said to be the  
             first woman to go to Jupiter. The newest space craft named "the explorer" is to
             launch into orbit on March 29th at 9:01 A.M. The trip plans to last 3 years,
             Debra states "this trip is and has been the most important yet. NASAs new
             equipment and technology has progressed immensely. Our head chief has
             been such a help, right along with my trainer if it weren't for them, I wouldn't
             have gotten a chance to do this."'

             "Hey Alex! Come look at this news paper! It says a bunch of shit from when they
               interviewed me at New York Times!" I yelled up the stairs, carrying the box of
              old news papers from a month ago. Alex stormed down the stairs "what the hell
              Are you screaming about now?!" My sibling said annoyed "look at this news
              Paper, dipshit" I said throwing the paper at him and setting the box down on
             The table. Looking up at the calendar I realized that there were 3 whole days
             Until the launch, and it was 3:48. Alex hummed and threw the paper towards
             The counter "cool, now where'd mom put the bread;" they said rummaging
             Through the fridge "probably in the cabinets? Where else would it be?" I said
             Turning around to see Alex holding a whole bottle of my favorite kind of wine
             And dark chocolate. "aLEX HOLY SHIT THANKS" I said hugging them tightly;
             "Did mom buy this?!" I said looking at them as they were set on the counter.
             "I picked them out and mom bought them, she wants to go to a party tonight
             And she wants you to bring the wine. Eat the chocolate. Oh and she got you
             Some Caramel coffee, it's in the fridge" they said sitting at the island and
            Rummaging through the the box of papers.

             TWO DAYS ADVANCED
             I woke up on the floor next to the couch, my alarm going crazy, my bags next to
             The door. "Shit what time is it" I mumbled and squinted at the clock and read
             '3:08 A.M.' I jumped up and grabbed my bags, running outside and hopping into
            The car "thanks for picking me up early" I said the the taxi driver, he nodded
            And drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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