Violet and Tate- A Black Rose

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I take the cold blade to my scarred wrist, just like I used to do, before all this happened. Before Murder House, before my dads affair, before Tate.

It doesn't hurt anymore, because once you're dead, you begin to lose most of your physical pain, to the point of numbness. I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss it. Pain was my escape, it distracted me from my fucked up family, and my screwed up mind.


I still remember Tate's soft, delicate kiss. Although I'm dead, I still dream. I dream about Tate a lot, sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if I was born when he was. Maybe, if I had known Tate before the shooting, I could have helped him, and I could have made him feel less alone than he already was. He could be a whole different person if we had a different fate.I fall into a deep train of thought when I hear a ear-tearing scream from my mom. I burst in to the kitchen, and see Vivien standing on a dinted wooden chair.

"I would think, of all the things we've been through, you wouldn't be afraid of a mouse," I giggle to myself, realising that was the first time I've laughed in months.

"Please, just get it out, I hate those things!" She bursts. I swiftly grab a broom that Moira had left out after finishing some spring cleaning. I take a quick swing at the rodent, missing ever so slightly.

"Do you think if animals die in the Murder House, they become annoying ghosts too?" I joke to my mom, for some reason, seeing her smile makes me feel a slight amount of happiness in the dark, and insane world I 'live' in.

The mouse darted under the expensive wooden table that Chad had previously chosen. "Hit it! It's escaping!" Vivien screams.

"I've got this, ok? Trust me". Whenever I hear the term trust, all I can think about is Tate, and how much he betrayed me, and how my trust issues had become a large problem in my afterlife. I see the mouse dart past my foot, and I let out a faint squeal. I turn to see where it had gone, to find someone else blocking my path.

"Tate, I thought I told you to leave me alone." I yell, knowing that I didn't really want him to leave me alone, I wanted him to just walk up to me right then and there, and press his plump lips against mine. But, I know it can't happen, I have to stay strong.

"Violet, can you please just hear me out?" His warm, yet fragile voice warms my heart but at the same time makes me feel like I'm about to break into a million small fragments of broken glass.

"Tate, I'm sorry I can't. I'm not ready. Just go, please. You're hurting me." He bent his head down, but his puffy, swollen eyes were still staring into my soul, but it wasn't a scary or angry stare, it was a stare of loneliness and heartache.

I don't think I can live without him anymore, but I can't live with him either.


Tate left the room.

I stared back at my mother, she glanced back at me and nodded her head as to say she is proud.

But that didn't matter, all I could think about was Tate. His chiseled jawline, his perfect blonde hair, and his beautiful eyes always gave me butterflies, no matter how close I felt to him. He is the only person who makes me feel that way.

I had to do something, I can't keep living like this. I just can't. Every time I see him, I fall in love again. I know it's cliché, but it's the inevitable truth.

I storm into the basement to talk to him. I scream his name as loud as possible to attract his attention, but deep down I know he's already watching me.

"Tate" I yell, "please come out, I need to talk to you."

There's no reply. Nothing.

I walk around the basement, wondering why he was hiding from me. I slowly walk around the sharp, narrow corner where we scared that bitch from school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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