Meet Me?

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                  I stared longingly across the cafeteria. His face was beautiful, marvelous, amazing... I couldn't help but watch him. It was the only time I actually got to look at him besides small glimpes in the halls and Gym class, which sucked. 

                "Your not even listening, are you?" asked my bestfriend Emma, finally bringing my attention to her.

"Not really..." I muttered honestly. "I'm sorry! I can't help it! He's just so hot" I whined as I saw her expression. She was glaring at me.

              "When will you ever listen to me and stop being a crazy stalker?" she asked me, while shaking her head dissaprovingly.

             "Not as long as Jake is alive" I murmured while going back to staring at him. She stood up, stold my food tray, and dumped it in the trash can. 

                 "That was my food" I silently complained to no one. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat. "Shit!" I yelled loudly, causing several people to look over at us, including the teachers and Jacob Fare (aka: the hottie) to look over at me. My biology teacher walked over to me.

                 "You can cuss when you are talking with your friends, not when you are yelling in the cafeteria, which you shouldn't be doing either... detention" she smiled wickedly. I glared at the little peice of pink paper she stuck on my belly. I looked back up and saw a lot of people still staring at us. He was still staring at us. My face flushed and I smiled shyly. "Sorry" I said as Emma led me away from the lunch room. "You dildo!" I yelled at her while laughing when we got outside.

                "I'm sorry, but I had to get you to stop staring at him like a creeper" she giggled. I rolled my eyes as we walked and sat down under our favorite tree. I leaned up against the trunk and relaxed.

                "What have you been wanting to tell me so much?" I asked her, closing my eyes.

      "I'm having a party on Saturday and I want your help" she said glancing at me. My eyes popped open and I stared at her. "You want me to help you with a party?" I asked, very confused.

          "I want help with like decorations and stuff" she muttered. I nodded, I could do that.

                 "Who all is coming?" I asked her. 

"Well, i'm telling everyone today and people have been talking about it a little. I'm really excited. Jake might come" she laughed as she winked. I glared at her.

             "If you don't mean it don't say it!" I joked. She chuckled and smiled. I smiled back.

My eyes fluttered open as a peice of paper hit me square on the forehead. I looked at the crumpled paper. Who threw it? I looked around and saw that Henry Davids raised his hand slightly. "Read it" he mouthed. I unfolded it and read.

Your hot friend is throwing a party right?   WIll she kiss me if I go?

Of course... thats what it was about. I turned to him and shrugged. "Maybe" I mouthed. "I'm coming" he mouthed back. I turned back around and stifled a laugh. She probably wouldnt kiss him...  I looked at the clock. The school day was about to come to an end in 3 minutes. I began to clean up, by zipping up my binder and throwing the note paper away. The bell rang and I hopped out of the classroom. I quickly spun my locker combination and it swung open. I grabbed my book bag and stuffed my old binder in it. I hoisted my backpack on my back and slammed my locker door revealing the face of Jacob Fare. His locker was five down from mine. It made it hard to concentrate. I took a deep breath and turned away from him. I walked down the hall and exited the building feeling free. "Katie!" yelled a voice. I turned around to see HIM walking towards me. Him equaling Jake. Why was he calling me? I started to hyperventilate and I was stuck in place. How did he even know my name? "Isn't this yours?" he asked handing me a necklace with a tree on it. "Oh my gosh! Yes! Thank you so much!" I shouted. His hand brushed mine as the necklace landed in my hand.

                     "Well, see ya later" he smiled as he walked off leaving me gulping air. Emma walked up to me grinning.

                  "I saw that... you managed to say eight words" she smiled. Oh yes, how much that is! (note the sarcasm). I walked with her to her car and hopped in the passenger seat. She blasted the radio as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the busy road. 

                   "I can't believe he knows my name" I giggled. Emma looked at me and shook her head.

 "You are slow..." she muttered. I glared at her, well as much glaring as you can do while grinning like a goof.

She pulled up in front of my house, letting me jump out of the car and yell "Bye! Love you!" I began to walk up to the door when I realized that I left my keys inside. I glared at nothing and set my bookbag behind a post and grabbe my cellphone out of my pocket. I tried Emma, no answer. I tried my mom, no answer. I tried my dad, no answer. I tried my cousin, no answer, though I dont know what she would do, considering she lives seven hours away. I sat down and put my head in my hand shaking it around. I was starving! I pulled my wallet out of my pocket. Yes! 10 dollars. I stuffed my wallet back and began walking down the street, heading to Wendys.

            I pushed open the door and strutted down to the counter. "Can I get a chocolate frost and a small fry?" I ordered. They slid my food to me and I handed them my $10, get $3 back. I walked to a booth and slid in. I picked up a fry and dipped it into the ice cream deliciousness. I bit the end and repeated. Yumm! I was being all innocent and sweet, when the bitch came in with her negative comments. "Oh she'll be fat when she's older" I heard her whisper to her group as she passed me. Jerkface! Since she was all popular and hot and gorgeous and stuff, of course everyone wanted her and Jake to be together. But Brittany will not get him! I am determined to make sure that doesn't happen! I kept on eating like that fat person that wanted to break out from the inside of me.

I was laying in my bed and staring out at the moon from the window. It was nice and full tonight. Pretty… pretty… pretty.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Emma.

Me: So BORED! Come save me!

Emmy: I wish I could! Just sleep!

Me: I don’t want to!

Emmy: Sorry, just sleep it’s effing bed time! It’s like 1 am. Night!

She wasn’t any fun… maybe I will just sleep. Sleep…

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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