Chapter 1

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It's a typical Friday afternoon and classes just ended a while ago. Stacey Willows, my best friend, and I are just hanging out in my room. When she just remembered that she still doesn't have anything to wear at her cousin's party. And here we are now: Stacey convincing me to go to the mall with her

"For the hundredth time, I don't want go to the mall with you"

"But, if you won't go then I"ll be a loner." pleaded Stacey. "And you don't want that to happen, do you?" Giving me the puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist.

I sigh "fine! But if you force me to try on a dress - a floral, lacy one to be exact. I"ll walk straight to the exit, and go home. "Yeah, yeah. I just really need somebody's opinion" she pulled my hand and dragged me down the street

"That is so not true! You just need somebody to tell you how good you look in an outfit"

"Aww Skylar, you know me too well." Stacey said smirking "now, off to the mall!"

I'm Skylar. Your typical 16 year old girl who's about 5'6. I have brown hair and I love school (I get it, I'm a nerd) I'm also the girl who loves eating and singing in the shower. You practically know that shopping isn't my hobby. It's not that I hate shopping, it's just that I hate it when I'm shopping WITH Stacey.

Don't get me wrong, I love Stacey and I see her as my sister that I never had. It's just that-

"Eeeeeeppp!! This is soooo cute" squealed Stacey going from rack to rack in the boutique

That's why.

She over reacts and sometimes causes a scene. And also she thinks that every dress is cute

Easy for her to say, every dress looks nice on her! Plain, floral, printed, lace, you name it! Even one of those puffy dresses that princess wear during balls looks great on her . While me on the other hand.. Would look like a cream puff on one of those.

"Hold this" she commanded and took a floral dress with her to the changing room

Stacey Willows is very pretty with golden locks and her supermodel body. She's about my height and she's one heck of a dancer. She's very outgoing and friendly. She's also quite a gossip too!

"How's this?"

Like I said she has a supermodel body. So it wasn't really a surprise that she looked good on the dress she picked out. It was floral on the bottom and black on top. She partnered it with a broadway beige belt with a matching purse.

"It looks great on you!"

"Is it not too formal?" She ask "I'll just try out some more and I"ll let you pick which is better."

I put my hands up to surrender. "Wait! Before you start your search for the 'perfect outfit'.. May we please eat first. I'm starving!"



"On one condition"


She beams at me and I quickly shut my mouth. "If, I get to choose where we'll eat" she continued

"Fine with me"

"Up for chinese?"

"Heck ya!"

She quickly changed back to her own clothes and we start to walk to the nearest Chinese restaurant called 大吉 which means great luck.

I open the door and it was very crowded inside.

Tough luck.



I was very hungry back then that I couldn't help it. So Stacey decided that we order take out. And here we are now at the mall bench.

"Ready to open your cookie?" Stacey ask while I'm still finishing my food

"Wait one sec." I munch my food as fast as I can. I finish my food and was about to reach the napkin for my greasy hands. But my impatient best friend here doesn't like waiting. So I grabbed for the cookie instead.


1.... 2...


"Oh crap!" I yelled reaching for my cookie on the floor

I was about to get it but suddenly, someone's foot pushed it farther away from me.


Tough luck.

It entered through a crowd, and I was force to crouch down for me to be able to get it

"Excuse me"


"Excuse me"


Those were the only words that my mouth could sputter.

Finally, the fortune cookie was out of the crowd. My hand reaches for it, when suddenly a bastard wearing converse steps on it.

I looked up and saw..


Hi guys! This is the first story I have written in my entire life, so easy on the hate xD

Hey hey Florence :))

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