Chapter Six

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Jax cleaned up dinner as usual while Andy got the boys ready for bed knowing that they would be without eachother for a few days Jax  wanted to make tonight extra special. Jax had zero intentions on trying anything with a sweetbutt or a croweater once they crossed state lines. He had everything he needed at home. Tonight Jax was going to officially ask Andy to be his old lady since they didnt have a status yet, he knew this was the second step he needed to take. He wanted Andy by his side and no one else

Andy walked into the bedroom looking for Jax but he was already in the shower undressing herself she pinched the small pudge she developed over the last few weeks before she pulled the shower curtain back and slipping in the shower

"Boys are sound asleep and the doors are locked" Andy said as she grabbed the bar of soap and began washing Jax's back

"Babe I got a quesiton for you" Jax said as he leaned his head down so Andy could wash his neck and massage his shoulders just like she has been every night

"What is it?" Andy asked as she kneeded a kink out of Jax's shoulder

"Will you be my old lady?" Jax whinced as she dug her knuckles into his skin

"Meaning?" Andy asked

"Its a higher title then a girlfriend, nothing changes between us except you get my crow" Jax said as he felt Andy's hands move to the other side

"You need to explain more Jax" Andy said

"Its a crow tattoo with my name under it" Jax said as he felt Andy stop massaging

"That's a big step Jax" Andy said

"Do you love me?" Jax asked turning around

Andy nodded her head yes

"Do you trust me?" He asked looking into her eyes

"Yes" Andy spoke

"Then get my crow. Make it known that you belong to me" Jax said

"So I get your crow so everyone knows I'm yours but I get what?" Andy asked

Jax thought about it "You'll see"

Andy shrugged her shoulders "Why not then"

Jax smiled as he pressed his lips to Andy's, his fingers instantly finding her folds, backing Andy up against the shower wall Andy wrapped her hand around Jax's length and began stroking his shaft, Jax's lips found Andys peaked nipple gently biting it he heard Andy moan. Jax lifted Andy's leg over his hip and let his member glide into her

Never in Jax's life had he ever been so sexually attracted to someone, but Andy made his weak at the knees, her body fit his like a glove as Jax bounced her up and down. Just hearing Andy moan Jax's name was enough let alone to make him come

"I love you Andy" Jax moaned into her neck

"Oh god Jax I love you! I'm gonna come" Andy moaned as the shower water cascaded over her head as their skin clapped together

"Come with me babe" Jax moaned as he struggled not to lose control

"Fuck Jax" Andy moaned before her walls tightened around Jax

"Oh Andy" Jax moaned as he spilled himself inside of her

After their shower Andy and Jax laid in bed, Andy's head was resting on Jax's chest

"Where do you want me to get your crow?" Andy asked as she traced Abels name in his chest

"Anywhere you wany babe, just as long as everyone sees it" Jax smiled

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