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In the year 2017, where almost all islands in the surface of the earth has already been discovered. Less and less people become interested in adventures and discovering new places. Instead, people would rather just go to work and earn money losing what makes humans as humans which is curiousity.

With the exception of one billionaire from the Philippines named Anthony "Dodong" Martinez (age 53) who had seen and experienced all that the world could offer, or so he thought.

Dodong looked younger than what his age dictates, he has 3 children , 2 boys and 1 girl. All already graduated from college. His wife is named Martha and is currently running their multiple businesses.

As he grew in boredom with life itself, one rainy evening, he received a text from his father's good friend Kurt who he knew since he was still a child.

Kurt's appearance is that he is short and bulky. Short nose and bald. He also has a scar in his hand. He has a serious face but truly good in nature.

As he read and continue reading the message, tears fell from his eyes for it was about his father's death. His father was the one he deared the most for as he was growing up, it was only his father that was there for him for his mother died an early death due to a car accident.

He immediately visited his father's house and cried like a baby as he saw the casket with his father's photo on it. He just stayed there for many hours crying and talking to himself as if he was talking to his father. Many visited the house but did not cry for most were only close to his father because of the business he runs with the exception of Kurt who was the one who called and was also his father's childhood friend.

Kurt approached Dodong and whispered,

"How about going around the house? Maybe you would feel a bit more comfortable if you would get to see what your father has been doing during these past years."

He looked at Kurt, wondering why would he feel more comfortable going around his father's home but later agreed.

As he walked around the house, he saw a room with a sign with a language he has never seen before so he tried to open the door but it was locked. He called over one of his father's servants and asked for the key to the room and what does the sign says but unfortunately not only does the servant know what the sign meant but also said that only the master of the house has the key and was also the only one that has gone through that specific room. The door was made of ironwood which is considered the hardest wood in the world so breaking it down with strenght is unreasonable.

So he just continued walking around the house while still being puzzled by what was inside that room. As he reached the last place to visit in his father's home which is a large library he was speechless as to how many books his father had in his possession. He never thought of his father to read so many books as he only saw his father reading newspapers when he was younger. This was new to him so he became interested and wanted to start reading those books to know more about his father's late interest. As he walked slowly to the shelves, he noticed that it would seem that he was being watched accompanied by a slightly cold breeze coming from the window.

He then looked around and saw something that made him fell to the ground.

Something both amazing and scary at the same time. He saw bones of a tiger, but not only an ordinary tiger but a sabertooth tiger which became extinct a long time ago.

This was slightly hidden in a corner so he did not immediate saw it when he entered the room. He then became fascinated as to how his father came into possession of such.

He just calmed himself up and crept towards it and carefully touch the piece. As he looked around the piece, he notice something on the back of the base. It was a weird logo of something. It looks like a t-rex with a hazard sign on top of it. He became more puzzled on what his father was doing all these years for all he knows that his father was a businessman.

He touched logo and he felt something unusual. It felt like it can be pressed and so he did and something opened from the base. There he saw a letter. Slightly confused, he picked it up and open it. It was a letter from his father for Dodong.

Dodong, i knew from the start that your curiousity would lead you to read this letter.

Dodong had tears on his eyes as he read. He continued reading.

This is my gift to you Dodong, go and read the books in the shelves from left to right for this will open up more and more of your curiousity.

No matter what happens even if I am gone. I will always be with you from the bottom of your heart.

I love you my son. Do not ever let your curiousity fade

Dodong became silent for five minutes to calm his tears. He then called his wife that he won't be home for a few days as there is something he must do. His wife unhappily agreed and said she would visit in two days.

Dodong then started reading as what was mentioned by his father in the letter.

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