Chapter 16

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"We are having a night-in in Louis' room tonight and you are coming." Niall announced to me at lunch and snatched a handful of chips from my plate. "Oi, not my chips!" I protested and swatted his hand away. A bit over a week had passed since my hospital visit and I had gotten better at hiding my ongoing morning sickness which was a pain in the ass. According to several websites it wasn't even that normal for women to have morning sickness that early into the pregnancy, but apparently my body was special again, oh joy. Niall, and surprisingly Louis as well, had been unusually attentive and seemed to appear everywhere I went, always looking out for me. I wasn't quite sure whether I should be happy or annoyed by this, but I had to admit that it was very sweet. 

Today, Niall had taken me out for lunch and even though it hadn't turned out to be as healthy as he had intended it to, he still seemed to be happy to see me eating something. "Fries, they're called fries here, darling." Niall interrupted my thoughts and I chuckled at his American accent. "But seriously, you're coming tonight, right? You don't even have to drink, I know you aren't allowed to with your new meds, but it's gonna be fun. I think some of the band will be there and then us four and probably Lottie, as well." He explained and happily continued to munch on his own burger.

"I don't know..." I avoided his gaze and instead shoved another handful of chips into my mouth. "Come on, Abby, it's gonna be fun! And it would mean a lot to me if you came." He played his trophy card and when I looked up I saw that he was giving me his best puppy eyes. "Oh come on, not those bloody puppy eyes!" I protested and threw my hands in the air. A cheeky grin appeared on Niall's face. He obviously knew exactly what he was doing. "Alright, alright. I'll come. But don't think you can use this against me every time you want something!" I gave in and a victorious smile appeared on his face. "I wouldn't dream of it." He assured me with a wink, but his eyes were twinkling mischievously.

Suddenly a group of young teenage girls came into the restaurant, maybe around the age of fourteen, all wearing some kind of One Direction merchandise and all obviously still very excited about the concert which had happened the night before. Niall cursed under his breath and quickly pulled his head down, his eyes immediately hidden behind a large pair of sunglasses. "Do you want to take the rest to go?" I asked him quietly and he threw a look in the girls' direction. "Maybe not a bad idea, I don't want you to get mobbed." He replied in an equally quiet tone and hastily started to shove the food back into the paper bag.

"Oh my God, imagine running into one of them at a restaurant!" One of the girls squealed loudly and then blushed when she noticed that the majority of the restaurant was looking at her. "Oh yeah, imagine that." Niall chuckled quietly and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. "Okay, you go out first and I will try to follow. However, if they recognise me just keep on walking to the next corner and wait there for me, alright?" He asked me seriously and gave my hand a light squeeze. "Will do, don't worry about me." I assured him and got up from my seat. I put on my sunglasses and let my hair hang into my face, before I walked towards the exit. Pushing past the girls who had now sat down with their food, I smiled at one of them when she looked up. "Nice shirt." I complimented her Harry t-shirt and she giggled and thanked me. "Thanks, isn't he just the cutest?" She said and I nodded and bit back a giggle, thinking of a couple of occasions where Harry had been less than cute.

Just when I thought that Niall had made it, I heard a couple of excited squeals behind me. "Oh my God, oh my God! It's Niall! Oh my God, I love you so much you are my favourite!" I recognised the voice of the girl who had just proclaimed that Harry was 'the cutest'. Chuckling to myself I continued my way towards the next street corner where I leaned against a postbox, waiting for Niall to catch up with me. The heat was unbearable in the sun and I felt my legs getting a bit jelly, so I leaned more against the post box. That stupid blood pressure! No, that stupid pregnancy. The baby was already messing up my life and it hadn't even been born yet. But if my body continued to betray me like this, it would be a lot more difficult to hide my pregnancy from the others for as long as I was planning to at the moment. As long as I wasn't showing, no one would know.

"Hey, are you alright?" A deep voice made me look up from my feet. An incredibly attractive young man, maybe in his late twenties, had stopped and was now looking down at me with a concerned look on his face. "You're very pale." I gave him a forced smile and nodded. "I'm fine, thank you. It's just the heat I'm not quite used to." I assure him and a smile appeared on his face.. "Oh, a Brit! How did you end up here?" He asked me curiously, while he seemed to be searching my face for any signs that my health was suddenly deteriorating. "I'm travelling with some friends." I replied and wiped the sweat from my forehead, momentarily letting go of the postbox.

That turned out to be a mistake, as the ground underneath my feet suddenly seemed to do a little dip, making me sway a bit. "Shit, are you sure you're alright?" Strong arms were suddenly wrapped around my waist, holding me up and I had to close my eyes for a couple of seconds, before I found my balance again. "I'm fine, just a little trouble with my blood pressure lately." I managed to reply and grabbed onto the postbox again. "Then you shouldn't be standing in the sun around lunch time." He urged me and gave me another concerned look. "I am just waiting for my friend." I explained him and looked around to see if Niall was anywhere to be seen.

To my surprise, he was only a couple of metres away from us, jogging down the street in our direction. "Hey, sorry that it took me so long, but the girls were-" Niall stopped mid-sentence when he noticed the stranger's hands on my waist and my pale face. "Shit, are you alright, Abby?" A look of concern appeared on his face and he stepped forward, his blue eyes burning holes into the hands on my waist. Seemingly getting a similar vibe from Niall, the stranger immediately took a step back and gave Niall a friendly smile. "She looked a bit pale and nearly fainted, bro, so I stopped to make sure she's okay." He explained and Niall nodded, his arm suddenly around my waist. 

"Thanks, mate, I really appreciate it." Niall's tone was friendly, but his eyes had lost their usual twinkle. "Alright, I'll get going now that you're in good hands." The stranger gave me one last smile, before he walked off and disappeared around the corner. Next to me, Niall let out a sigh and I looked up to him, one eye brow raised. "What were you so rude for, hm? He just helped me when he saw that I wasn't feeling well." Niall's eyes lingered on the corner where the stranger had disappeared at for a couple of seconds, before he looked back down to me. "I don't know, I guess I overreacted. I just didn't like how his hands were all over you." He admitted sheepishly and I laughed and gave him a little nudge.

"Awww, is someone getting a bit possessive, hm? You know that occasionally making out doesn't mean that you have a say in who I talk to, right?" I asked him in a teasing tone, hoping that he was getting the serious part of the message nevertheless. A hint of a blush appeared on Niall's cheeks, but he only rolled his eyes and pressed a light kiss to my hair. "Oh shut up, Abby, you know it's not like that." He grumbled before he intertwined our hands and pulled me forward into the cool shade of a large tree from where he called us a driver to pick us up. 

A. N. Hi everyone, another slightly shorter chapter, but I already have the next one planned out in my head, so if you're really lucky you'll get it within the next week. I feel awful for seemingly abandoning this story like that, but I have had a lot going on in my life recently and I just didn't find the time or concentration to write something new. Hope you like the chapter! All the love, Summer xxxx

Ps. Also, can we talk about Dunkirk??? And Louis' new single? And Liam's new single? And Nialler going on tour? There is so much going on that it's getting difficult to keep up. Happy 7th anniversary, as well!

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