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David woke very early for the work and the shoppkeeper was very kind to him .He never scold him or never beat him and David always gave respect to him and he always did his work honestly but one day the shopkeeper asked him to take out all the old newspapers which were in the store room.

David didn't know that there was a store room in the house but the shopkeeper told him that the store was at the terris of the house and the way to the terris was always closed. David headed towards the direction of the terris and opened the door of terris and straight went into the store room and started collecting all the old newspaper which were in the room and after he finished, he picked all the papers and went down

When he was at the stairs,all the newspapers were dropped from his hands and he started picking it up when he had finished he stood up and started going down,suddenly he remembered that he had forget to pick the last newspaper so he went back

When he picked the newspaper and put it into the bunch,he realized that he had seen something written on the last newspaper about a distater.He immediatly took out the newspaper and read it and he got surprised what he saw written on it and the thing written on the newspaper was"Workhouse disaster happened yesterday, many childrens died but there are two childrens missing,did they survived or they died it is a mystery but the police are investigating".Now the disaster was about the workhouse and David knew that the workhouse which was destroyed was his home and he was the first surviver but who was the second surviver.He immediatly ran down and asked shopkeeper to talk with him for a while

He called the shopkeeper in the room and said to him to sat down and then they began their talk and this talk was begin from David  and he said "Sir there is something i want to tell you, about my expectations" and the shopkeeper replied"tell me your expectations, i think i could help you to become what you expected to be" and then David replied"Sir, ihave always expected to become a gentlemen and today i learned a truth, do you know about the diasaster of the workhouse well i was one of of the surviver and i heard the there is another surviver and I want to look for him, can i go sir" then the shopkeeper replied"of course you can go, there is friend somewhere and you should search for him and if your expectations becomed true you must come back to me to tell me the good news" then David replied "Thank you sir"

The next day David was packing his clothes, suddenly the shopkeeper came and said yo him " There is someone who have comed to meet you".David rushed to the room where the guest was sitting and David enterted the room with happines

There was a fat person sitting there and he asked David to sit beside him and David obeyed his order then the person said to him "I have come to tell you that your expectations are going to be true and your expectations are going to be true because of a gentlemen who know you" then David went back and thought who is that kind person who want to help him then David thought that he mustbgo with that fat gentlemen to see who is that kind person so David went with him

The person took David to a large house of a rich gentlemen, but he didn't took him to that kind person from whom help David was going to become a gentlemen

There were three gentlemens inside. None of them was that kind person.Everyone was unknown to David.All the gentlemen asked David to sit down

The fat gentlemen asked all the gentlemen that"This boy want to become a gentlemen.Who will make him a gentlemen or who will help him to become a gentlemen"

All the gentlemens went into another room to talk. Half hour laterthey all returned and one of the gentlemen said"Mr.Crachit will make him a gentlemen" and they all left and the fat gentlemen said to me"From tomorrow your gentlemen trainings are going to start

EXPECTATIONS OF A BOYWhere stories live. Discover now