Step 1 ascend from darkness

2 0 0

20 mins later dallas gets to the rec room

Bane:dallas glad you could make it i was just speaking to our fellow associate guard
Dallas:wait hes in it too
Guard:yeh so you better know how to act when things go south
Dallas:right got it so whats the plan
Bane:hmmm we build a plane
Dallas:*Laughs*youre kidding right
Bane:do i look like im kidding
Dallas:look how are we gonna build a plane
Bane:theres five steps
Bane:step 1 ascend from darkness step 2 building the wings of the dragon step 3 getting through the dragons guards step 4 sneaking to tame the dragon step 5 flying to freedom
Dallas:so how do we build the plane
Bane:workshop i have a guy there that can supplie us wood and down in the laundry room we can use the clothes as wings
Dallas:so where do we build it
Bane:on the roof
Dallas:im guessing thats where your guard friend comes in
Dallas:so its a plan
Bane:its a plan

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