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 All it took was four hurried steps, three worried thoughts, two quick hops, and one reckless decision for Erza Scarlet to go hurtling straight down a rabbit hole. Talking cats, runaway messengers, bloodthirsty queens, and hourly unbirthdays are completely normal here in Wonderland- but all Erza wants is to find her way home.

A Fairy Tail fanfiction and an Alice in Wonderland retelling wrapped into one unforgettable story.

Featuring Jellal x Erza (JeRza)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of the characters mentioned in the fanfic, Hiro Mashima does. The plot is a retelling of Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland duology.

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"What type of flower are you?" the pansies crooned, reaching out to carress a silky strand of Erza's scarlet hair.

"A rose?" one of the tiny petunias squeaked, their eyes wide with wonder.

"How cliche," the lilies chorused, fluttering their pearly, white petals.

"I am NOT cliche!" one of the roses spat, pointing one of many thorns at the lilies menacingly. The lilies scowled, backing away in unison.

"I-I'm not a flower," Erza stammered, inching away from the garden. "I'm a girl."

"Aiyeeee!" the tiny mazus flowers screeched, drawing their leafy arms away from the path. "Don't step on us, stupid flower!"

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!" Erza yelped, stumbling away from the queer, queer garden. "I..I'm a bad flower, aren't I?"

"She's far too talkative and clumsy for a flower," a voice murmured. "Just look at her droopy petals. They're ghastly and absolutely vile. "

"My petals are pretty, aren't they, Jellal?" one of the smaller flowers asked shyly.

"Of course," Jellal affirmed, stepping out of the dirt and into the center of the path. He reached out to stroke the shiny petals of a nearby violet, much to the flower's delight.

Erza breathed a sigh of relief. A boy, it was a real, breathing boy in all his ostentatious glory.

"You aren't a flower!" she gasped, unable to take her eyes off of him. Someone who's not a grinning cat or a self-absorbed flower or a sassy rabbit. At last!

"Neither are you," he told her crisply. He leaned in, smiling mischiveously. "And I can't help but notice that you are a very pretty girl."

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