Part 4

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The next morning, Tweek woke up to his arms around Craig. Craig was a deep sleeper, so Tweek was able to get off the bed without waking him. He didn't want to bother Craig, or wake him up immediately, so he got his phone out. After a couple minutes, Tweek got the idea to take a picture of Craig sleeping. He sat up, and turned the camera on. After he took the picture, he looked at it and couldn't help but think Craig was cute. It was almost half an hour until Craig barely woke up. He saw that Tweek wasnt in bed, so he looked off to the side to see Tweek on his phone. Craig's tired voice vaguely asked, "Are you on my phone..?" Tweek noticed Craig, so he quickly sat the phone down and answered, "n-no? .." Craig closed his eyes and turned back around with the covers up to his cheek. Tweek smiled. He got hungry, but was nervous to go down stairs without Craig. He swallowed, and opened the door. He went down stairs to see Ruby and Laura in the kitchen. Laura was making breakfast as Ruby sat in her chair, swinging her legs back and fourth. Tweek walked closer to the kitchen. Ruby Noticed him and greeted, "Hi Tweeeeek!!" Tweek nervously smiled and waved at Ruby. Ruby asked, "Craig's still asleep, isn't he?" Tweek answered, "Y-yeah, I think so" Laura came over and placed 3 plates of bacon and eggs on the table. "D-do you have c-coffee, ma'am??" Tweek asked. Laura smiled and answered, "Of course, sweetie!" Laura started to make the coffee while asking, "Do one of you mind waking up Craig for breakfast?" Ruby pointed to Tweek, "I think Tweek should do it! He is Craig's boyfriend!!" Laura turned and shouted, "RUBY!!" Tweek laughed as he turned around, "I'll wake him up. It's no trouble!" Tweek went up the stairs to Craig's room. He opened the door, thinking Craig was still asleep. When he opened the door, he saw Craig sitting on the bed, removing his T-shirt, revealing his torso. Craig paused and looked at Tweek, blushing with embarrassment. Tweek stood there in surprise, with a red face and quickly left, slamming the door behind him. Craig went ahead and changed into his original blue button up shirt. He opened his door to see Tweek still standing in the hall with a red humiliated face. Craig put his hand on Tweek's shoulder, "Its just a body, let's try to forget that happened.." Tweek nodded, and they both went down stairs. They both sat down at the table, eating breakfast and drinking coffee. After some time, Tweek noticed that he had to leave soon. They spent the rest of the time in Craig's room. Craig lies on the bed while Tweek sits in the floor against the bed. Tweek looks down and says, "I'm gonna miss you, dude.." Craig replies, "Don't worry, we can just text again." Tweek looks over the bed and smiles at Craig. Then, Tweek sits up on the bed, leans down, and kisses Craig with his hands cupped on Craig's face. Craig wraps one hand around Tweek's back and the other on the back of Tweek's head. Then they both slowly pull away, panting. Tweek moves his hands away and grabs ahold of Craig's shirt. He leans down, and begins to kiss Craig again. Craig's arms are around Tweek's back, gripping onto his dark green polo. They both continue kissing, when Ruby bursts through the door. They pull away from each other, looking at Ruby with ashamed faces. Ruby says, "Craig! Daddy's home! And why are you two fighting??" "RUBY, GET OUT." craig shouts. Ruby flips Craig off and leaves the room. Craig then looks at Tweek, "You should probably go." Tweek let's go of Craig, "O-ok, no p-problem-" Tweek gets his things ready, and heads for the door. Tweek steps outside, but before he leaves, Craig pops out and hugs Tweek. Tweek hugs him back, smiling. Tweek leaves while Craig waves goodbye and shuts the door.

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