The Womanizer's Tale .

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Prologue . . .

I don't like to remember what he did to me , said to me , or gave me . Eli , my . . . ex-boyfriend , who I thought really loved me , was a womanizer . Maybe , I should have listened to the rumors when we first started talking . Well , I did at first , but when I confronted him , he went all ballistic plus the things I heard didn't sound right . . . at the time . At one time I thought he changed but that all had changed when he found out . . eh .

Well what I do remember is . .

One Year Earlier . . .

" Leila come downstairs , so you can eat breakfast ." my mom yells, but i ignore her . I'm trying to get all of my summer reading / math packets together, while trying to look for my white shoes . I got dressed in a white-cropped tee with the letters spelled Love in black letters and some high waist mix-faded jeans .

" Leila Da -

" Dont say it . Im already here " I say stepping into the kitchen .

" Who put salt in your oats ? " I swear my mom thinks shes cool by the things she say .

" Well , by the fact that I haven't had breakfast yet , Idk " I say , picking up a mini-cheezit bag & a granola bar .

"Whatever & uh-uh you will not leave out of th is house without something in your belly missy . Today is the first day , Grab a plate . "

I roll my eyes with boredom . " Oops time to go " I grab my things , Kiss my mom goodbye and head out the door .





" Take out your summer reading packets and pass them to the front " My new English teacher , Mrs.Howard said .

Today , has been good so far . I met up with my friends , got my extra credit for my classes . . seen many fine boys . There were cute boys , but one stuck out to me . I don't know his name , but I do remember what he was wearing . He had on a black&white hustle gang tee , a pair of sagging 501 Levi's and some J's . Im not the one for stereotypes , but from what he was wearing and the way he walked and talked in the halls you would think he's a thug . I Ju -

" Leila . Leiiiila . Pass your paper . " Some girl named Destiny said , pulling me out of my thoughts .

" Oh , sorry . Here you go . " I say , passing the paper .

" Girl , whats up with you this morning. You OK ? " My best-friend Taylor said .

"I'm alright . I was just thinking about how this school year is gonna be . And if I'll meet that special someone." I say , in an uneven tone .

Taylor must have not noticed because she went right on to talk about her problems . " Girl please . Your knight and shining boo will come around . Pssh don't be worried bout ' them dudes . . I'm soo tired of Eric and all his drama . LemmetellyouwhatthisdumbstupidoohIjustcants - " I cut her off , she was talking way too fast , The last thing I her say was Eric . She's always complaining about him . Like why be with someone if they make you mad ? This is how most relationships at my school are . If this is how a relationship is gonna be then I don't want one . I'll just stay single . . . until college .

"Taylor ! If your gonna dislike him all the time then why are you with him ? " I say in a bored tone already knowing the answer .

"Because Leila . . . I really love him . But sometimes he just erks my nerve , and viceversa . I guess thats just how we love . " She says with a shrug .

And I shrugged too .

. . . . . . . . .

It was now time for P.E and I was still in good spirits . The good thing about being a sophomore is that you know the tricks of which PE class to take so I was happy . Lunch just passed , and I caught up and talked to my friends before trailing to the library . And on my way there I saw him . . . ya know HIM ! Oh God He looked so good . The way he licked his lips , and the way he smiled . Make me wanna kidnap him and leave him in my basement . . Wait ! I just figured out that I was staring at him . No wonder he smiled at me , he probably thought I was a groupie . Whatever .

" Leila ! Lei - La ! " My friend Chasity says shaking me out my thoughts . " How many times do I have to shake you , pinch you or yell your name today ? You OK , you keep going into these train of deep , deep thoughts . " Why is she eyeing me like i'm mental ?

I replied with a quick laugh & said " I dont know . My mind is just everywhere today . "

She took some time before talking and came back with a bang ! " Who is he ? "

" Who is who ? " I say , looking at her crazy .

" Who is he , Leila ? "

" Who is who , Chasity . "

" Don't play these mind games with me . You know that I know , that you know I'm talking about the boy you keep dreaming about . Having thoughts about . " She says , crossing her arms frowning . Wow , and I'm the one playing mind games . ' You know that I know , that you know ? ' If she said too more knows I would've been really confused .

" It's no one " I say to more to my self than to Chas , trying to believe it .

She started talking , about how i'm such a bad liar . But I didn't care . The only thing that seemed to be on my mind was him . I was practically staring at him in awe , as he walked in the gym . One strap of his book-bag on , licking his lip , laughing . Oh , god .

" OhKay .. By the way your looking , I guess he's the one . "

. . . . . . . .

Next Chapter Coming Soon :)

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