I : greensleeves

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this is the first story I'm publishing here and my writing skills are quite rusty.
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A bittersweet song set to a sad and yet soothing melody; the song you were to sing with your choir in school come next Tuesday

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A bittersweet song set to a sad and yet soothing melody; the song you were to sing with your choir in school come next Tuesday.

Admittedly, you'd never heard the song before you looked it up in order to practice it, but as you listened to the lyrics for the first time - really listened to them - you found yourself overwhelmed by a feeling of sweet, sweet sorrow. It was a song of unrequited love set to a lilting tune that might be mistaken for a lullaby. In short, the song was beautiful and you instantly fell in love with it. On occasion, you'd catch yourself lightly swaying as you hum the tune, subconsciously. It was in these moments that you wondered what struck you so deeply about that song; what made it so beautiful for you.

It was then that you recalled the words of your choir teacher as he told you about the song just three days ago: "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."

He was right; this song of unrequited love, containing layers upon layer of loss and heartache spoke to you because you understood the emotion of it's composer as they wrote it on some level. Maybe it was the fact you thought very artistically about most things; a trait which earned you praise in your art classes and occasionally scorn in your other curricular classes.

As the date of the concert drew closer, you found yourself humming it's melody more often, which you supposed is a good thing, considering you were supposed to practice it one way or another.

That is to say, it was all well and good until you decided to take a hike one morning.

It was a crisp autumn morning, a few stars still dotted the sky along the horizon, and you could still see the pale crescent moon hanging in the silver grey sky. The forest around you had a somehow whimsical, diluted hue to it; clouds rested close to the ground as if they too were still reluctant to stir as the other presences in this forest, making the normally vibrant green color of the vegetation a slight tint. It was that time in the morning when it seemed like the day itself was waking up, and you loved the look of your surroundings.

As your ashen grey boots crunched through the dew covered floor of the forest, you began to sing - not hum, but sing - greensleeves as you walked, beginning to add little twirls to your step.  "Alas, my love you do me wrong to cast me off so discourtously... For I have loved you for so long..." The tune carried through the forest on the wind, eventually reaching the hypersensitive ears of someone else singing a bittersweet melody. The person paused to listen to your song, and somewhere in the distance, you were now swaying and twirling almost dizzily as you moved through the trees.

As your singing died down and you took a bow towards the silently observing trees, you heard a soft voice coo from seemingly, all around you. "Hey, Teddy... It was rather rude of her to interrupt our song, don't you think?" Though the person spoke politely, you sensed a hint of disdain in their sugar coated tone, and felt somehow apprehensive about which words you should use to respond to the currently disembodied voice. You slowly looked one way and then to the other in an attempt to locate the source of the voice, but to no avail. "Hey, Teddy.... She had a pretty voice though, don't you think?" Your head shot behind you - confident you'd located the voice's source - faster than the rest of your body, unfortunately, giving you a bad case of whiplash. And on top of the new ache in your neck, to your disappointment, you didn't even find where the voice was coming from. "Hey Teddy..." The voice was close now - practically in your right ear, now - you could hear it was that of a young male. Not much older than yourself, most likely. It had an eerie, childish charm to it. "This time, we'll sing our song for her to listen... Remember it, okay? Remember our song." It was more a command than a request, and you could hear a subtle threat in his voice, it practically dared you to let the song slip from your mind for even a moment. And within a moment, an eerily enchanting voice filled the space around you, and the source of the mysterious voice was finally revealed.

Before you stood a pale, young boy. Certainly no older than seventeen, he wore an unusually elaborate-looking uniform and carried a teddy bear in his arms. And although the teddy was a bit of an odd sight to begin with, it wasn't the most odd feature he possessed, no. His hair, a soft lavender color hung over his large, piercing eyes, which were a similar color to his hair. Beneath his eyes were bags, which you assumed were from lack of sleep, and his skin was ghostly pale. It was as if the life had been sucked out of every part of him save for his hair and eyes. And yet, he was oddly beautiful. His childlike face had a near angelic charm to it, and his soft hair seemed luminescent. You didn't even react when the boy slowly began to move towards you as he sang; captivated by the fairytale character in front of you. All the while, the lyrics to Scarborough fair bounced off the trees surrounding you.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Knowing full well that you were now under his spell, the mysterious boy - who was currently just a foot away - grinned at you and lifted a hand to cup your cheek gently. You, mesmerized by him, subconsciously leaned into his touch. As he finished his tune, he spoke words which you failed to hear and you gave him an answer you were, at the moment, ignorant of. Seeming satisfied with the answer you gave, he smiled wider, disappearing from in front of you just as abruptly as he appeared.

The moment he was gone, you were out of your trance. Holding your head, you groaned lightly as you took a deep breath of the crisp air surrounding you. As cool air filled your lungs and the smell of evergreens filled your nose, you looked up, staring at the spot before you in dazed disbilief. Though, you soon shook it off as some weird hallucination from lack of sleep and wrote it off as you needing to get back home and lie down a while. But, when all was said and done, despite how you tried to write the experience off as a daydream, you couldn't deny that now you remembered a name. A name you never heard before, but were certain was given to you at some point.

Kanato Sakamaki.

hope you enjoyed the first chapter !!it alone is like 1000 words lol my fingers are yellin at me

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hope you enjoyed the first chapter !!
it alone is like 1000 words lol my fingers are yellin at me. add to your reading list for more !

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