The film Carrie had a interesting and in some ways relatable story, of a young girl who was born with a mysterious gift. She was a typical student who had been bullied; this made her an isolated school girl. This bullying had lead Carrie to use her 'newly discovered powers' to seek revenge on those who bullied her. The story is relatable for those who have been bullied in the way that it gives off a message that revenge can lead to disaster. Throughout the movie, the story would always drag me in and want to watch the rest of the film, there wasn't a single boring moment.
I give the story of Carie 3/3:
Horror figure:
The horror figures in this movie were not particularly terrifying. The mother of Carries, who was a relgious fanatic, I think deserves to be credited as a horror figure. She was creepy at times, and seemed to be a very sinister character. Most of the film though, she was not scary. Carries, the other horror figure, was not scary in the least. The story makes you sympathise her, the only time she is creepy is at the end of the movie, even then she is still the girl you feel sorry for from the start.
I give the Horror figure(s) 1/3:
This movie has more of a creepy atmosphere, and less of a terrifying one, only in a few scenes would you be creeped out, but never scared to the point of nightmares. There isn't much to comment on how scary this movie is because it does indeed lack the scary element.
I give the Scariness 1/3:
The start of the movie is a scene of the birth of Carrie, this disturbing first scene of what seems like a 'demon birth' creates a creepy atmosphere and also pulls you in to want to watch more. The climax of the movie, is very late into the movie, however is worth the wait. I found the climax of this movie entertaining, creepy, exciting and saddening: Carries finally shows her powers after a prank that was pulled at prom night, and she gets her revenge. The ending was decent, however quite predictable, it had certainly given its self a good finale which was both saddening and exciting.
I give the Presentation a 3/3:
Over all I give this film an 8/12! A must watch!
I would reccomend that you watch this film, it is enjoyable and interesting.
This is my first review I'd apprciate if you'd let me know how it is.
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