Leaving (Part 1)

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Ok Today was the day we are leaving yesterday didn't go so well with my mom and dad but today is going to be awesome

I get out of bed and make breakfast for the others as they come in the kitchen

"Morning!"I say cheerfully

"Morning Ash!" they all say in sync I giggle and place the bacon and eggs breakfast in front of them they all thank me as I sit down next to Greninja

"So you guys ready for today?"I ask knowing the answer

"HELL YEAH!" they all say my eyes widen

"Okay... Wasn't expecting that"we all laugh

"So Ash what time are we leaving?"Eevee asks

"1:00 so in 5 hours" I answer we all finish our breakfast and we go outside in the backyard Noivern, Talonflame, and Hawlucha are flying or in Hawlucha's case gliding

Pikachu,  Goodra, and Eevee are playing in a pond while Squishy is gathering sunlight there is a big flat rock that me and Greninja are sitting on it allows us to watch all the pokemon I can feel the wind in my hair blowing gracefully

"You okay?"I look over to Greninja and nod he moves closer to me I look at him

"You ready to leave Greninja," I said with a smile

"Yup I can't wait...didn't you say we might move there "I freeze and nod

"Is that bad.."I say sadly

"No no no it's just that...."

"Y-you don't want to move there do you..."

"No it's not that it's just are you sure you want to move I'm okay with but you can't just move because your parents don't accept who you are"I put my head down

"Your right but that's not why I'm doing this"I look at him with a smile

"Then why?"I take a deep breath

"I'm doing this for myself, you, and the other pokemon I love all of you guys and you guys have been with me through thick and thin so this is me rewarding you guys and because this is my reward we might move but it's up to you guys"Greninja looks at me with lustful eyes

"Um Greninja-"he pounces on me and kisses me deeply he runs his tongue over the bottom of my lip I grant I'm entry he shoves his frog-like tongue in my mouth he accidentally reaches the back of my mouth and I gag he brakes the kiss

"Sorry got carried away" he rubs the back of his head I chuckle

"It's okay" I look at him with a smile I can tell he's thinking

"How are we gonna get to the airport"I sigh and stand up I then turn into Noivern

"Come with me" he nods and hops on my back I then fly up in the air and we spot the airport

"Wow I thought it would be farther"we laugh

"I can just walk there"

"What about our bags?"Greninja asks

"I can use my powers to make them fit in my pocket"

"That's good now let's get back with the others"I nod and fly back down Greninja gets off my back and I turn back and I call the others

"You guys ready to leave!"I shout

"Yeah!" they said

"Then let's go!"I say running in the house I use my powers to shrink the bags and put them in my pocket everyone goes inside their Pokeball except for Pikachu, Greninja,and Squishy obviously since he doesn't have one Pikachu climbs on my shoulder while Squishy was on Greninja's shoulder I made sure I had all the tickets and left the house and locked it

I started to walk to the airport when I notice Squishy's change in behavior I then turn left which is away from the airport they look at me confused

"Ash you went the wrong way,"Pikachu tells me

"I know"I then reach Clemont and Bonnie's house I look up and see and window I whistle and we see Z-2 in the window I notice Squishy is now happy Z-2 then opens the window and jumps out I catch him Squishy jumps off of Greninja's shoulder to mine I then go under my hat

"Z-2 come in here it's more comfortable," Squishy says sticking his head out Z-2 obeys and goes under my hat we laugh

"Now off to the airport now,"Pikachu says

"Right!"Greninja agrees

We make our way to the entrance to the airport we see lots of airplanes I take a deep breath I start sweating I feel a hand on my right shoulder and see Greninja smiling at me I calm down and nod

We start walking


"Huh?"I look behind me and gasp I see Olympia, Professor Sycamore, mom, dad, Clemont, and Bonnie I give them dirty look (not Olympia, Professor, Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie)

"So Olympia what are you doing here" At that moment Squishy and Z-2 come out of my hat and on my shoulder

"I see you're taking the Zygarde," she said while looking at them

"Yeah they wanted to come with us"I respond

"And where are you going exactly?"Professor Sycamore says

"We're going to the Aloan region"they gasp I look at them confused"why is that bad?"I ask

"No it's just how did you afford tickets to go there?!" the Professor says in shock

"Oh that's easy the Professor over there help me he even got us a house there so we can stay there!" they all look down

"We're really gonna miss you, Ash," Serena says

"Me too,"I said back

"Be careful out there Ash"Clemont warns me Bonnie then walks closer to me

"C-can I say b-bye to                      S-Squishy?" she says with tears in her eyes I nod and held my hand to my shoulder so Squishy can jump on he does so and I lower him into Bonnie's arms

"I'm g-going to m-miss you Squishy," she says about to cry

"Likewise Bonnie...Likewise" he says back she whips her tears away and gives Squishy back

"Bye Ash.Bye Squishy.Bye Greninja.Bye Pikachu!" they all say I turn my back and start walk but I stop Greninja looks at me

"Something wrong Ash?"I shake my head no and I look back at my parents

"Oh and by the way I forgive you" a smile spreads on their faces

"But that doesn't mean I'm staying"their smile disappears and they both sigh

"Goodbye," I said lastly as we walk to the door to the airport

As The Journey Continues...

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