"At least a twenty."//Tradley

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Brad was bored. Tristan has insisted that they have some rest and relaxation time, and had proceeded to flop down on their hotel bed and start flicking through a random magazine he had found on the coffee table.
At first, Brad had been content to lie there and watch the blonde frown slightly as he inspected the glossy pages, but he had quickly grown bored and decided to annoy Tristan instead, because that was his second favourite thing to do (after getting fucked by Tristan, but nobody needed to know that).
"Why is the sky blue?" Brad questioned, receiving nothing but silence until Tristan hummed a questioning hum at him. "The sky," Brad repeated "why is it blue?"

"No idea." The blonde answered, not taking his eyes off of his magazine. Brad sat up and faced Tristan properly, his enthusiasm making Tristan want to sleep.

"What would you say my name was if you didn't know me and had just seen me for the first time?" Brad looked expectantly at Tristan, who didn't reply straight away. Tristan knew his boyfriend well and knew exactly what the brunette was doing.


"Oh. What's your favourite breed of dog?"
"Do you think one day we can go up the Eiffel Tower?"
"Why did your parents give you two middle names?"
"On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it'll be if-"

"Can't choose, I'd love to, they're my granddad's names, at least a twenty." ((I don't know if they are his granddad's names I just made that up lol))

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" Brad whined, flopping onto the bed with a pout.

"Probably something stupid like..." Tristan trailed off, his eyes still caught on the glossy page of the magazine. Brad waited for him to finish his sentence, but after a while it became apparent that he wasn't paying attention to his boyfriend anymore.
With a huff, Brad got off the bed and marched towards the bathroom, calling that he was going for a bath over his shoulder. Tristan didn't reply.

Brad sat on the toilet lid whilst waiting for the bath to fill, then checked the temperature and got into it. As he thought, he started to play with the complimentary bubble bath they had received free with the room.
Why isn't Tris paying any attention to me? Brad wondered this is supposed to be a romantic weekend away and he's already fed up with me on the second day. Have I done something wrong? Didn't he want to come? He was the one who surprised me with this trip, so he must have wanted to come. Right?

Back on the bed, Tristan sighed and put down his magazine. The water had stopped running and he had heard Brad climb in the bath, so he knew the brunette wasn't coming back into the room. Getting out of the bed, he went over to his suitcase and dug around inside it for a loose sock, which he eventually found underneath a pair of boxers. Taking hold of the sock, he shook it until a small, metal ring fell into his hand. It was an engagement ring.
It had been on Tristan's mind since he made the rash decision and bought it. He had never planned to propose to Brad on that trip. But, it was the only thing he could think about whilst staring blankly at that page in the magazine for over ten minutes. And now he'd made Brad feel like shit for ignoring him, because he was too busy thinking about him. How fucking fantastic.

Putting the ring back into the sock and burying it at the bottom of his case again, Tristan went over towards the bathroom and gently opened the door to see his boyfriend lying in the bath, eyes shut. Tristan slipped off his boxers and walked towards the bath, gently lifting Brad's upper body and sliding in behind him, long legs going either side of Brad's body. Tristan wrapped his arms around Brad and pulled him close, resting his chin on Brad's shoulder. The bath was too small for the both of them, especially Tristan's lanky frame, but they were comfortable in each other's arms.

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