Chapter Twenty-Two

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I didn't really know what was running through my mind in that moment. Honestly it was just clouded with different colours: black, blue, grey, green, yellow. Mostly red.

The guards shoved me around every corner, their feet right at my heels, daring me to go slower. Why would I though? If Seth's plan goes well, I could be out of here within the next few hours.

All I had to do was refuse everything they want me to do. It sounded easy enough, but how was I going to react when I saw the pain Seth would be put through? It wasn't even fake pain, but real agony.

Soon we came to the all-too-familiar wooden doors and multiple guards rushed forward to open the door, but their efforts were for nothing. The door swung open and a few guards who were resting on the door stumbled before regaining their balance.

In the doorway stood a man I despised. Hopefully this would be the last time I ever see him.

"Auden! How great to see you, I hope you have been treated well," He put up his hands in a welcoming gesture and had a giant smile plastered onto his face.

I snorted in remorse, "Of course, I love being served your trash from last week," A fake smile covered my face.

His face didn't waver, "Good to know you haven't lost your humour."

A sarcastic glint coated my eyes, "How could I lose it if I've been locked in a room for years with only limited human contact?"

A slight frown tugged at his lips which were hidden behind a small beard that has grown in, "My deepest apologies Miss Auden, but I'm afraid that that was only necessary. You had to get a taste of what the prison life is like. So now you know not to defy my instructions." He turned around and waved for me to follow.

I did, but with a slight hesitation growing in each step. I saw Xena standing right next to the stage, her presence sending a shiver down my shine. How can she just sit back while her brother is abused? The idea is monstrous.

She had no emotion, her eyes seemed dull and face grey. It was now I took the time to actually take in her appearance. Her face was angular, but her cheeks were still rounded. A small pointed nose rested in the center of her face. Her eyes were lined with slick, dark eyeliner, defining her dark eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek, straight ponytail; further complementing her sharp cheekbones. If I had just seen her while walking past her in the street, I would have called her beautiful. 

But I know how she really is, cold and heartless.

Seth says she's just brainwashed. But I don't think brainwash can make you so terrible that you'd allow your own brother to be punished endlessly.

Once I stood on the stage, Ian spoke, "So since you've had lot's of time to think, I'm assuming you've come to a decision on what you want to do?"

My eyes squinted, "I don't have a decision to make, you're going to force me to help you no matter what I want."

He laughed, his lips and teeth hidden behind his facial hair, "On the contrary, you do have a choice. You help me either on your own will, or you're forced, your pick."

"Sounds delightful either way."

"Now that's the spirit!" He sat down in the all too familiar chair, "Now, how about we start your training?"

Just like last time an apple appeared in front of me.

"Lift it."

WIth a deep breath I turned to face Ian, "No."

For a moment it seemed like he didn't hear me, but as fast as that look appeared it disappeared, and was replaced with something a lot more sinister, "Fine, bring out Ace." Out of the door, 'Ace' emerges, six guards pulling him along. Seth played a good act, pretending to struggle against the guards. If I didn't know it was him, I would still believe it was Ace. "Change your mind?"

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