Corbyn Besson x Can I Be Him - James Arthur

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A/N: Before i start off I just want to say that i find this a bit weird to write since he has a girlfriend. I honestly don't have anything against her and i truly ship them. 

Also its 4 am in the morning now and I couldn't sleep so i decided to get up and just write instead.


If you were mine I'd never let anyone hurt you
I wanna dry those tears, kiss those lips
It's all that I've been thinking about

Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories
Can I be him

You had been in an relationship now for two years. Your relationship hadn't always been this bad. The first month or so the love was actually mutual, but then the honeymoon phase ended and the love went away. His love faded, but yours never did. Thats why you stayed, because you loved him. Deep down you knew you should, but you had never admitted it.

These days had been particularly bad. You were often arguing. Never as often as now though. You never talked anymore, unless it was during an argument. The worst part were that they were just over petty things.

For example if you had forgotten to put one of the forks in the dishwasher, you would most likely argue for hours. It was tiring always having your guard up, ready for any attack.

Besides you knew he had started seeing someone on the side. That broke you. Most people would probably have taken that as a cue to leave, but you couldn't. You were fine by just having a little pice of him. Even though that pice included endless arguments and cheating. 

This one night everything was about to change.

He had come home from a night out. He was shuffling in the hallway, using a bit more time than usual, so you decided to check on him. And there he was. With a girl pushed up against the wall with his tongue pushed down her throat. You had never witnessed the cheating, and you were in a shock. As creepy as it sounds you were hypnotized, and stood there watching them until they noticed you. 

Of course there was a awkward tension. The girl understood that this wasn't her place to be and tried to leave. He stopped her and told her to wait upstairs in the bedroom. In your bedroom. This broke your heart even more. The girl rushed upstairs and you could still not move. 

Instead he did for you. He walked decisively towards you. You were frightened by what he would do, but you still could not move. He reached you, and were incredibly close. So close you could feel his breath against your face. It smelled of alcohol and god knows what. Before you knew it he had raised his hand and it was soon striking your face, leaving a stinging sensation. At that point your mind was all over the place. You fell to the ground in pain, remaining silent. He walked past you and you could hear him climb the stairs.

You remained on the floor, scared he'd come back. But he didn't. After a long time something got  to you and you quickly grabbed your most dearest belongings and got the hell out of there. You got into your car and knew exactly where you needed to go. Corbyn. 

Corbyn was your lifelong best friend and the only person who knew. He had found out by accident a while a go, and you had him swear to secrecy. He was very negative to not doing something at first, but you convinced him it was for the best.

When you pulled up at his house it wasn't dark, surprisingly, considering it was pretty late. You sat in your car debating wether or not to go inside. Then it hit you, you had nowhere else to turn.

You knocked three times. The response were relatively fast. The person meeting you in the door way wasn't in fact Corbyn. It was someone entirely else. Someone you had never seen.

"Hey, can I help you?" the guy said.

"I am looking for Corbyn, is he around?" You answered, trying to sound as confident as possible.

The guy turned so he was faced the inside of the house and shouted for Corbyn. 

"Just come inside" he said once he had turned back. "You want something?" 

"No thank you, I'll be just fine." we shared a smile and he left you to yourself.

Corbyn came shortly. He didn't pay a lot of attention at first. You guessed  he was tired, who could blame him, it was 4am. Then something caught his eye. My already bruised face.

"Y/N...." he said. You broke down instantly. You hadn't cried yet, but now you did. You sobbed uncontrollably for what felt like ages until Corbyn managed to calm me down. You had a long talk about everything.

"You know this isn't how its supposed to be right" Your response was a nod. "I don't think you do though" he said trying to make eye contact with you. 

"Y/N. Look at me" and you did. "What you have with him, Its NOT right. As much as I don't want to say this i have to; He doesn't love you. Im sorry but he doesn't, and its time you realize that. A boyfriend is supposed to love you. You are supposed to not have a worry in the world. He shouldn't be hitting you, or making arguments over petty things. He should be watching over you, drying you tears...." his voice faded towards the end. You sat there in silence not knowing what to respond.

"fuck it" you heard him say under his breath. " I know this is a shitty time, but love has no clock. I  love you Y/N, i really do. Let me show you how you should be treated. Like a princess. Let me be a REAL boyfriend. Can I be him?"

Overwhelmed by feelings you didn't know anything else to do than to crash you lips into his.

A/N: Wow that was intense! Honestly wrote this for 2 hours straight. And it my first one that has over a 1000 words!!!! As always feel free to request anything! 

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