My Life Now

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Mya's Pov

My paws grazed the dark musty soil as my wolf sprinted beyond my old pack lines. I never felt so free, I never felt this kind of relief to have left my old life and to start a new. I wasn't going to let the fact that I am a rejected wolf that may die in the span of a week due to the mate bond and the aftermath of rejection. The things it can do to your body are excruciating let me tell you but then for a solid hour or two you get relief. No pain, no guilt, no sadness. Nothing. And to me that was the time I cherished most. My paws didn't feel like glass with every step I took away from Blake. With all the pain I was feeling I felt in content since I knew Blake was experiencing the same thing. Worse since he started it. It comes in stages like a horrific storm brewing. Stage one: shock, shock that the one person that is supposed to love you forever basically ripped your heart out and stomped all over it. The shock is the stage that most people start with but I clearly skipped that stage. Good thing too.

Stage two: confession/rejection both may seem like two completely different things but still does the same damage. The words that are used only in the phrase to shatter the mate bond until you decide to mend it but that hardly ever happened since when you reject someone you genuinely are saying you'd rather stick a fork in your eye and set yourself on fire then jump off a cliff into a pit of spiky rocks then to be with them. Seems legit right?

Stage three: the aftermath this is the stage that I am currently in but wedging myself out of slowly with every passing second. This stage is the pain that settles in the end but in the beginning it constantly consumes you until you "reflect" on your decision and decided that your choice was stupid and that you and your mate should find each other, apologize and live life like all is well and that you never made that dumb choice in the first place. Stupido!

Stage four: the Endurance
This stage is the start of a new era for you, the pain decides to disappear for small amounts of time throughout the process of your wolf accepting that you'll never be with that one person the moon goddess specifically put you with for the rest of your life and that you might die alone with no one to love. I know sad right? Well it's the truth, unless you're like one in a million and get a second chance. Something that you hope your clumsy self won't screw up. In that case that leads us to stage four..

New beginnings, this stage only happens to the luckiest of the lucky, or if you are some sort of wolf that is the last of your kind and you need to procreate. *cough cough* white wolf.

Which leads me to where I am now. Yes I may be the lucky one to get another mate but only one could hope, I mean maybe there's a entire pack of white wolfs that I don't know about and the universe doesn't need me to exist anymore. Ever thought of that eh? I guess not.

A small gush of wind was blowing through my fur as I came across a clearing with a pond and a massive oak tree in the middle. I dropped my bag by the tree and walked towards the pond. The reflection showcased my wolf face as I studied my wolf like features. I loved my wolf form, it gave me courage beyond anything else. My eyes were electric blue as my snout was a coal black along with the insides of my ears. I sat there and drank the water like my life depended on it. I mean I ran for two days straight, no doubt I'm a little thirsty and on edge.

After I was done I just laid there gazing into the reflection of the sun into the pond as I blew as hard as I could which created little rings into the water. I watched as they grew into larger rings and disappeared into oblivion. This calmed me in ways I couldn't imagine.

I decided to take a quick nap beside the tree as I planned on which direction I was going to go next.  I shifted and changed into a black sports bra and some adidas sweats that I brought with me, the sweats were really baggy since I got them from the men's section but is it just me or is men's sweats softer and more awesome than woman's.  Plus I liked the way they looked on my small figure.  I mean I had to trim the bottom a bit to fit since the legs were too long then sewed the elastic back as good as new.  I should be a designer. 

I threw on my Nike rain jacket over top and rested my head against my bag at the edge of the tree.  My eyes gazed above me as the sun seeped through the leaves and reflected into the water.  So beautiful... unlike me. 

I dozed off thinking about everything and taking pictures of the clearing on my phone.  I was in my peaceful slumber when a sudden rustling brought me out of my trance.


My ears perked as I was now fully aware of my surroundings but I kept my eyes shut hoping they would just pass on not seeing me so I can bask my skin in the sun in peace.

Peace for me though is overrated and would most likely never happen.  I could feel a tall figure towering over me as I tried to ignore it,  but it was blocking my warmth.  I kept my eyes shut as I waited for the figure to move.  It clearly wasn't going to. 

Then out of no where I felt the presence foot lift and was about to fly right in my torso.  My eyes sprung open as I grasped onto the foot before it made any contact with my body. 

Did this bish try to kick me?? Oh it's onnn...

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